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英语翻译2.6 Abatement of recalcitrant organics in the pharmaceut

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 20:35:48
2.6 Abatement of recalcitrant organics in the pharmaceutical wastewater
Wim the exception of fluorine which has an elec.trochemical oxidation potential (EOP)of 3.O6 V,hydroxyl flee radicals generated by Fenton’s reactionare the most active oxidants known with an EOP of 2.80 V (Metcalf&Eddy,Inc..2004).Nonselective in their mode of attack and able to operate at normal temperature and pressures. hydroxyl radicals are capable of oxidizing almost all reduced materials present without restriction to specific classes or groups of compounds,as compared to other oxidants(oxygen,ozone,and chlorine).
Fig.7 and Table 2 present the composition of organics in the wastewater after Fenton's reaction.while Table 3 presents the abatement of the organics by the Fenton-coagu lation process. A comparison between Table 1 and Table 2 show that predominating compounds(c6Hl2O and C6H120b)were considerably reduced:19.65% to 6.88% for C6H ,0.and 17.03% t0 7.21% for C6Hl40 .On the other hand,as it is shown in Fig.8,the carbon atomicity of the recalcitrant
organics in the Fenton.仃eated wastewater was mainly 3,6,and l 0,indicating a reduction of the molecular weight of the pollutants.The overall removal of recalcitrant organics by the Fenton—coagulatio
process was very good(Table 3).This was also due to the oxidizing power of the hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton process(when operated at optimal conditions).
英语翻译2.6 Abatement of recalcitrant organics in the pharmaceut
维姆的氟它有一个elec.trochemical氧化电位(项目终期)的3.O6五,由芬顿reactionare最活跃的2.80五(茂迪项目终称为氧化剂产生的羟自由基逃跑外,公司0.2004) .非选择性在他们的攻击模式,并能够工作在正常温度和压力.羟自由基氧化几乎所有材料没有限制,以减少特定阶层或群体的化合物目前,相比之下,(其他氧化剂能够氧,臭氧,氯).
图7和表2目前,废水中的有机物组成后,芬顿的reaction.while表3列出了由芬顿- lation混凝过程中有机物的消减.介乎比较表1和表2显示,主导的化合物(c6Hl2O和C6H120b)是大大减少:19.65%至6.88为C6H,0%.T0的7.21%和17.03%的C6Hl40.另一方面,因为它是在图8所示,碳原子对顽固
在芬顿有机物.仃eated废水主要是3,6,和l 0,表明了对pollutants.The整体搬迁的顽固有机物分子量削减对Fenton -絮凝