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英语翻译12月是美好又梦幻并且带着淡淡哀伤的月份 走在路上 满满都是梦幻的色彩 红点缀着绿 到处都是圣诞的装饰品 耶诞树

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 20:32:59
12月是美好又梦幻并且带着淡淡哀伤的月份 走在路上 满满都是梦幻的色彩 红点缀着绿 到处都是圣诞的装饰品 耶诞树 金属色的铃铛 白色的雪花片 以及满载着礼物的圣诞老人和麋鹿 霓虹的晚上 男男女女 甜蜜的走在大街小巷 每个女孩都开心的笑着 礼物是 甜点 和巧克力 多么温馨和幸福的场景 听说这个圣诞会下雪 真的好期待这个白色的圣诞节
回味着2010 痛并着快乐 走走停停的故事每天都在上演 庆幸的是 一直陪伴着我 让我觉得幸福 当然还有你 兜兜转转 是说不尽的感激 收到 限量版的礼物 让我无比的开心和雀跃 那是我期待已久的幸福...
月底 又开始在幸福中慢慢的忧伤 那个您离去的晚上 我的心又开始碎了 碎成了许多块 在另一个世界 过的好么?之前在梦里 我祈祷着会不会 能遇见 您是真的有听到我的祈祷 才走进我的梦的吗?我很好 真的 也许是吧
过了这一月 便过了这一年
英语翻译12月是美好又梦幻并且带着淡淡哀伤的月份 走在路上 满满都是梦幻的色彩 红点缀着绿 到处都是圣诞的装饰品 耶诞树
December is fine and dreamy and with a little sadness month.Walk on the road,full of dreamy colour,green dotted with red,Christmas decorations is everywhere,Christmas tree, metallic color bell, white snowflakes and loaded with gifts of Santa Claus and elk.Evening neon,boys and girls walk in the streets and lanes,every girl smile, gift is dessert and chocolate.How warm and happy scene! Heard this Christmas will snow, looking forward to this white Christmas
Enjoy in retrospect in 2010, pain and happiness. Stop-and-go story every day is staged, fortunately everyone always accompany me, makes me feel happy, and of course you.Raced back around is never-failing grateful.Received limited edition presents let me extremely happy and caper that is my long-awaited happiness...
Late again sorrow in the happiness.The night you went away,my heart was broken,broke into many pieces.How are you in another world? In the dream I prayed if I can meet you.Did you really hear my prayer before going into my dream? I am fine.really.maybe...
After this month is the other year
Time walks too fast
Those time flowed away
But memories stay.
Met different people and things,also lose some people and things in the year.
Some people leaved,Some people coming,Some people still around.
Every time saw the past things, will deeply felt that oneself in the growth or lose and get
What will 2011 be?
Because of unknown we expect
So more attention to strive diligently