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求中文翻译The purpose of a Balance Sheet is to report the financi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 13:44:18
The purpose of a Balance Sheet is to report the financial position of a company at a certain point in time. It is divided into two columns. The first lists what the company owns (assets) on the left. The second shows what the company owes (liabilities and net worth) on the right. At the bottom of each list is the total of that column. As the name implies, the bottom line of the balance sheet must always "balance." In other words, the total assets are equal to the total liabilities plus the net worth.
The particular elements of a balance sheet may vary significantly from day to day. Over time, these "snapshots" of a company, taken on a year-end or monthly basis, can reveal important information about the ability of the company to satisfy its creditors, manage inventory, and collect its receivables.
Another way to look at the balance sheet is in terms of the "sources" and "uses" of cash. Liabilities and net worth are sources of cash. They represent debt owed to creditors who have supplied cash or its equivalent. Assets are a use of cash. The company uses cash to purchase assets in order to make a profit.
Balance Sheet
Owns Owes
Use of Cash Source of Cash
Assets which are the most like cash  Obligations which must be paid to keep creditors happy 
Assets which will turn into cash within one year   Obligations which will be due and payable within one year 
Assets which may never mature into cash   Obligations which are the least nervous and never due 
Total Assets Liabilities & Net Worth
Understanding the sources and uses of cash is critical to the survival and growth of a small business. Creditors (sources of cash) must be kept happy because they supply the inventory (use of cash) which is sold by the company to make a profit.
Current assets are those assets which will mature into cash during the next twelve months. They are a measure of the liquidity of a company, which is the amount of time it takes for an asset to be converted into cash.
This time period is referred to as the Operating Cycle. In other words, a company begins with cash, purchases inventory with the cash, sells the inventory which creates a receivable, and then collects the receivable which generates the cash. The cash is then used to purchase additional inventory and the cycle begins again. In terms of liquidity, cash is the highest quality current asset and inventory is the lowest quality. Whereas cash is immediately available to pay obligations, inventory must be converted into cash (through the operating cycle), before it is available to pay bills.
求中文翻译The purpose of a Balance Sheet is to report the financi