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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:25:30
This cat is to look in the mirror, it long and grinned, cat in the mirror. Cat it friendly paw, the mirror also lend it a paw 再答: 丑小鸭被抛弃后,历经一个寒冬,终于长成了美丽的白天鹅
The ugly duckling is abandoned after, after a winter, finally grew up and became a beautiful white swan
再问: 丑小鸭的那个故事能再详细点吗?
再答: 可你不是要短的吗,越详细越长哦
再问: 不要太长详细点就行了,帮帮忙。我急着做作业。是说要搜查资料。
再答: 丑小鸭不知怎的混入了鸭妈妈的巢穴里,在孵出蛋壳后,它发现它和别的小鸭子都不一样,灰色的羽毛让它显得格外丑陋,所有的小鸭都排挤它,它只能离群独自过冬,差一点被冻死。到了春天,它终于长成了美丽高贵的白天鹅,优雅地在空中飞翔。
Ugly duckling somehow with the mother duck nest, after the egg hatched, it finds it, unlike other little duck, gray feathers make it looks very ugly, all the ducklings squeeze it, it can only be stray alone, winter almost froze to death. In the spring, it finally became a beautiful noble white swan, gracefully flying in the air.
再问: 谢,必采纳。
再问: 有题目吗?
再问: 给个题目行不行?
再答: 我看看
再答: 要几题
再问: 丑小鸭长的那篇
再答: 要几道题目
再问: 什么意思?
再问: 丑小鸭翻译成英文的意思。
再答: Unly Duck
再问: 谢,已解决。