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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:23:18
Both Fuchs and Sanborn have suggested that the effect
of discrimination by consumers on the earnings of
self-employed women may be greater than the effect of
Line either government or private employer discri mination on the earnings of women employees.To test this hypothesis,
Brown selected a large sample of White male and female
workers from the 1970 Census and divided them into
three categories:private employees,government
employees,and self-employed.Brown's results suggest
that men and women are not treated the same by
employers and consumers.For men,self-employment is
the highest earnings category,with private employment
next,and government lowest.For women,this order is
reversed.One can infer from Brown's results that
consumers discriminate against self-employed women.In
addition,self-employed women may have more difficulty
than men in getting good employees and may encounter
discrimination from suppliers and from financial
8.A study of the practices of financial institutions that
revealed no discrimination against self-employed women
would tend to contradict which of the following?
(A) Some tentative results of Fuchs's study
(B) Some explicit results of Brown's study
(C) A suggestion made by the author
(D) Fuchs's hypothesis
(E) Sanborn's hypothesis
无论是Fuch和Sanborn的假设,还是Brown的研究结果,说的都是consumer对妇女的歧视问题,没涉及到financial institutions,只有作者最后加的in addition那段里才提到了discrimination from financial institutions,所以如果有研究表明金融机构对自己当雇主的妇女不存在歧视,那么这个研究只能与“作者”的说法相矛盾.而作者是以may have...and may encounter...的形式说的这件事,所以这是作者的一个suggestion(在本题里应译为“暗示”而不是“建议”).