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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 21:19:59
Unit2 What time do you go to school ?导与学
刷牙     在电视台工作    广播节目     从早上12点整到晚上11点五十   半小时 40个牙刷子  可笑的早饭时间    
在大约12:20锻炼 从不上班那么早  
从不迟到  3:15 pm  散散步    

晚饭吃大量的蔬菜和水果   对他健康有好处  
有非常健康的生命    需要饭后刷牙以保持有一口好牙齿   从周一到周五没有时间打扫我的房间    
1. -What time do you usually get up, Rick?- I usually get up at fiveo’clock.
回答是句子结构是 例如: 我通常在12点吃午饭.
短语what time的意思是 ,它和when是同义词,都是对
进行提问,但what time所问的时间范围比较 (大/小),一般用来提问比较精确的时间,回答的时候一般用具体到几点.而when所问的时间范围比较
【考例】-______ does your father go to work every day? - He goes to work at half past six.
  A. How   B. What   C. What time   D. How time
2. -What time is it now?- It’s about six-fourteen.现在几点了?大约六点十四分.
点拨:这是询问时间的常用句型,它的意思是 .
询问时间还可以用: ;
【考例】- What time is it now? -It’s about ___. A. two second  B. third fifteen C. five half  D. four twelve
3. I usually get up at five o’clock.我通常五点起床.
点拨:介词at意为“在……”, 既可以用来表示时间,有可以用来表示方位.
拓展 介词in, on, at 的区别
【考例】-What time do you usually go to bed?-____ nine o’clock.  A. At    B. On    C. In
点拨2:1)funny 形容词, 意为“有趣的,可笑的,滑稽的,奇怪的”;意为“有趣”时,相当于“interesting”.
5. To get to work, he takes the No. 17 bus to a hotel. 为了上班,他乘坐第17路公共汽车到旅馆.
点拨1:句子中的to get to work是动词不定式短语,在本句子中作目的状语,动词不定式作目的状语经常放在句子的后面,如果放在句子的前面用逗号隔开.
点拨3:1)work不及物动词,意为 ,第三人称单数是 ;worker是名词,意为 ,复数是 .
名词, 意为
,是不可数名词,但表示一份工作可以用 .
常用于以下词组:失业/下岗 下班后 去上班
3)work名词, 意为“著作,作品”,是可数名词,复数为 .
【考例1】-______ bus should Itake if I want to go to the cinema? -No. 15 bus.
  A. Which    B. How    C. How many    D. Where
【考例2】______ have a goodteeth, she always (饭后刷牙).
  7. Iusually do my homework at around six-thirty in the evening.我通常在晚上六点半左右做家庭作业.
点拨1:do one’s homework的意思是 .短语中的one’s可以用名词所有格或者物主代词.
【考例1】______ Mike ______ _____homeworkin the evening?  A. Do; Do B. Do; does C. Does; do D. Does;/
【考例2】I usually get up at _______sixo’clock every day.   A. on    B. in    C.about
一、 时刻表达法:
1. 如何询问时间
time is it?也可以用What’s the time
now?还可以用Do you know the
2. 如何表达时间
    例如:It’s six o’clock now. 现在是六点了.
2)如果是几点几分,分钟不超过半个小时(包括半小时),可以直接用数字表示. 例如:6:11
也可以用介词past表示,past的前面是分钟,past的后面是钟点数,表示几点过了几分的意思.例如;6:11 .
如果是15分钟可以用a quarter.例如:7:15
如果是30分钟可以用half.例如:6:30 .
3)如果是几点几分,分钟超过半小时,可以用介词to,to的前面是分钟(是差几分到下一点的分钟数字),to的后面是下一个点的数字.例如:6:58 .
1. We got to school at ten
to ten , so we were late for
ten minutes.(选择正确的时间表达)
  A. 10:10    B. 10:50    C. 9:50    D. 9:10
delicious (美味可口的) the
food is!  A. How    B. How a    C. What    D. What a
3.______nice holiday we had yesterday!  A. What    B. How    C. What a    D. How a
4. —_____ kind girl Nancy is! —Yes, she is always ready tohelp others. 【2011 贵州安顺】
  A. What    B. What a    C. How    D. How a
5. — Look at ____ skirt. I bought it for Mother on Mothers’Day, isn’t it nice?— Oh, what ___ nice present!
  A. a; a    B. a; the    C. the; a    D. a; 不填【2011湖北黄石】
Ⅱ. 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词.
1.TodayI want to t_____ a shower.
2.Sally finds a new job and she goes to w_____ at seven o’clock every day.
I usually go to school at a q______ past seven. 4. The soup t______
Please help the children to get d______; I’m too busy now. 6. They often do morning e____ at
You can find a good j____ if(如果) you study hard now. 8. The police saved two people’s l___ in the
Ⅲ. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.
1. My mother often _______ (watch) TV at 7:00 every evening.
2. What time do you want ______ (have) your lunch?
3. What time does your sister ______ (go) home every day?
4. Please come in and have a cup of tea with _______ (we).
5. My little brother ______ (not do) his homework at six inthe evening.
6. Please brush your ______ (tooth) after you get up.
7. Many students have a lot of _______ (homework) to do everyday.
1. My
brother often _____ English on the radio .   A. hears   B.
listens   C. listen to   D. listens to
2. It’ssix o’clock in the morning. It’s time ________.
A. get up    B. for get up    C. to get up    D.
of getting up
3. -Do you know the______? -Yes, it’s 10:30. A.age B.time C. number D. address
4. What
do you usually do ______ Sunday morning?
A. to B. at
C. on D. in
5. Do you
like _____ a bus to school? A. takes
B. taking C. take D. by
6. Mybrother often goes to _____ school after ______ breakfast.
A. /; the   B. the; the    C. the; /    D.
/; /
7. -Do you have a _____? -Yes. I _____ at a food shop.
A. job; work    B. work; work    C. work; job    D.
job; job
8. It’s
time ______ class. A. to
B. for C. of D. with
9. -What time do you usually go to
bed? -_______ nine o’clock. A. At B. On
C. In D. of
10. Thank
you very much for _____ me to your birthday party.   A.
ask  B. to ask  C. invite  D.

In England,children start(开始)school at five years old.This is called primary school.There are usually 25 to 30 children
in a class.The children
have one teacher.
When children
are 11 years old,they go to
the next(下一个)school.They stay at this school until(直到)they are 16 or 18 years old.The children have different
teachers for different subjects.Children usually stay at school for lunch cooked by the school.Other children take sandwiches and
a drink.We call this
a packed lunch.
Children inEngland go to school five days a week.Their school day usually starts at 9:00 and finishes at 3:30 in the afternoon.
Children at
primary school don’t usually have homework.When children start their second school,they often have homework.When children are studying for
their exams,when they are
16 years old,they usually
have a lot of homework.
6.At five years old children in England will go to a ________ school.
7.There are usually ________ to _______ children in a class.
8.They usually have a lot of homework when they are studying ________.
9.____________ is called a packed lunch.
10.Children in England stay at school for _________ hours(小时)a day.
VI. 书面表达.