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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:25:38
这些电学上划时代的研究成果使他成为蜚声世界的第一流的科学家.他在光学、热学、声学、数学、海洋学、植物学等方面也有研究,并有新式火炉、避雷针、电轮、三轮钟、双焦距眼镜、自动烤肉机、玻璃乐器、高架取书器、新式路灯等一系列发明创造.因而,他以仅读过两年小学的学历,被美国的哈佛大学、耶鲁大学,英国的牛津大学、爱丁堡大学、圣安德鲁大学等六七所大学授予硕士学位或博士学位. 富兰克林成名以后在北美殖民地的文化传播和社会福利方面做了大量的工作.他先后组织建立了“共读社”、“美洲哲学学会”、“北美科学促进会”、报社、图书馆、书店、医院、大学、消防队、地方民兵组织等学术、文化、医疗卫生、消防、治安组织和机构;他还改革了北美殖民地的邮政制度,建立起北美殖民地统一的邮政系统.
他是杰出的社会活动家,成为北美殖民地有影响的人物. 他不仅善于解决自然科学里的专门问题和社会政治活动中的实际问题,还常常探索许多哲学问题和社会问题.他是自然神论者,认为精神依附于物质;他认为社会贫困的原因是劳动者必须养活寄生者;他酷爱自由和平,反对战争,痛恨种族歧视和奴隶制度,主张维护黑人和印第安人的利益.他是当时最渊博的资产阶级自思想家之一. 富兰克林生活的时代正值美国从殖民地向独立的资产阶级国家迈进的重大转折时期,他积极投身革命运动,对独立战争的胜利和美国国家制度的初期建设作出了重大的贡献. 在1754年北美各殖民地领导人物出席的奥尔巴尼议上,他提出著名的“奥尔巴尼联盟”的计划,被会议通过,成为最早将美利坚合众国的大联合这种思想灌输到殖民地人民头脑中去的人.
本杰明的一生的成功经验绝不是靠人们夸夸其谈而得到如此高的知名度和群众呼声的,他的伟大贡献,早已载入史册,刻在不朽的年代石碑上,为后人树立模范,给后人前进的动力和远大的目标!那么,本杰明自身又是如何磨练自己的呢?人们口中常说的,“十三条成功计划”(13-point plan for honest living)具体指的又是什么呢?
These research results on the epoch-making electrical led him to become the leading scientists watg world.He in optical,heat,acoustics,mathematics,oceanography,botany,etc,and also have a new furnace,lightning rod,electricity wheel,three rounds of clock,double the focal length glasses,automatic barbecue machine,glass instruments,take a book to implement,elevated new street lamp and so on a series of inventions.Consequently,he only read two years with the degree,be American elementary school harvard,Yale university,Oxford University in the UK,Edinburgh university,st Andrews university and other six or seven universities award a master's or doctor's degree.Franklin in north American colonies after the famous cultural communication and social welfare done a lot of work.He successively organization established "read club","American philosophical association" and "north American scientific association",newspaper,libraries,book store,hospital,university,the fire brigade,local militias academic,culture,such as health,fire control,public organizations and institutions; He also reform of the postal system,north American colonies establish colonial unified the postal system.
He is eminent social activist,become north American colonies influential figure.He not only good at solving the specific issues of natural science,social and political activities of the practical problems,still often exploring many philosophical questions and social issues.He is deists,think spirit attached to the substance; He thinks society the reasons for poverty is laborer must feed the dodger; He is fond of free peace and against war,hate racism and slavery,stand for maintaining blacks and the indians interests.He was the most profound bourgeois since one of the thinker.Franklin life time when America from colonial times to independent bourgeois state strides momentous turning point,he join in positively revolutionary movement,the victory of the war of independence and the American national system of initial construction has made great contributions in North America.In each colony 1754 leaders attended the Albany,he proposed counsellor's famous "Albany alliance" plan,was meeting with the will of the United States of America became the first grand coalition colonists into this idea in the mind.
In 1790,April 17,franklin died.In his funeral procession that day,the number of funeral for him,as many as 20,000 fully expressed the American people for his TongDao of love.At the same time,not only for his U.S.congress decided a month,mourning for the French national assembly resolution also he mourned,showed that he not only belongs to the United States,also belong to the whole world!
Benjamin's life is not the successful experience by people had such a high talkers and visibility and masses,he calls the great contribution,already history,on the tablets,enduring for later generations,set an example for posterity motivation and ambitious goal!So,Benjamin itself is how to hone their?People often say,"mouth" (13 successful plan 33 of the plan for the point out - what are the specific means?