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Customs are social habits

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:41:52
Customs are social habits
Customs are social habits.They have been handed down through generations among social groups,social classes,etc.Customs can be described as ways of doing things.They are particularly(特别) strong in social practices on the occasions (场合) of births,marriages and deaths.In China,these days,some people in cities are learning from Western customs.For example some brides (新娘) dress in the long white dress that is the usual bridal wear in many western countries.Every people have special customs for New Year.The Han people have many interesting Spring Festival customs.And now,quite a number of people living in the cities have followed the western customs of sending New Year greeting cards for January the first.One interesting custom in China is that mothers wrap up (包) their babies tightly(紧紧地).This is not the custom is Western countries,where babies are usually dressed in loose garments.41.It is true that____________.A.customs have never been changed B.customs have been formed during a short time C.customs have been formed little by little D.customs have been quickly formed and changed42.How do the Chinese young people learn from western countries at their marriages?A.Men wear white coats.B.The brides have on white clothes.C.The marriages are only held in the men's homes.D.Their parents all have to attend their marriages.43.The difference about clothing between Chinese and Western babies is that _______.A.Western babies have more clothes than Chinese babies.B.Western babies are dressed in bigger clothes while Chinese babies are usually wrapped.C.Chinese babies are usually dressed in new clothesD.Chinese mothers are used to dressing their babies in colorful clothes.44.The underlined word "garment" in this passage is________.A.a bed B.a kind of food C.a house D.a kind of clothes45.This passage tells us that__________.A.most of the Chinese people take the Spring Festival seriouslyB.each person has his special custom for New YearC.the people all over China spend New Year in the same wayD.People in the cities and villages send New Year greeting cards to each other 要翻译
Customs are social habits
海关是社会习惯.他们通过多少代人传下来的在社会团体、社会阶层、等.海关可以被描述为做事的方式.他们尤其(特别)有较强的社会实践的场合(场合)出生,婚姻和死亡.在中国,这一天,一些城市里的人正在学习西方的风俗.例如有些新娘(新娘)件白色长裙,新娘通常是穿在许多西方国家.每个人都有特殊的风俗习惯作为我的新年礼物.汉族有许多有趣的春节的风俗.现在,相当多的人居住在城市中一直跟随着西方风俗新年贺卡寄为一月一号.一个有趣的习俗,这在中国是母亲(包)包裹婴儿(紧紧地紧).这是没有这个习惯是西方国家里,婴儿通常穿宽松的衣服.41.这是真的that____________.答:海关从未改变b海关已经形成在很短的时间内形成了c风俗习惯已经渐渐地d changed42很快被形成.中国的年轻人如何借鉴西方国家在他们的婚姻吗?答:男人穿白色外套.b .新娘对白色衣服.婚姻只是之人的家里举行.d .他们的父母都有参加他们的marriages.43.关于服装的区别中西方婴儿是_________.答:西方婴儿比中国的babies.B多穿点衣服.西方婴儿衣服穿更大,而中国的婴儿通常wrapped.C.中国孩子通常穿上新clothesD.中国的母亲是用来穿在五彩缤纷的clothes.44她们的婴儿.下划线的词”这段经文中is________服饰”.答:床b是一种饮食房子> >一种clothes45.这段文字告诉我们that__________.A.大多数中国人把春节seriouslyB.东盟