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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 21:29:21
题目是(if you were one of the animals.what would you say to human beings?)
What are we?We are animals,is true to life and human beings,is the friend of mankind.And now we are our friends in the interest driven spare none." These are my -- a puma speech.The animal the theme of the Congress is the human television in an ad :"we are friends of human beings,why kill us?" The world is still alive only puma,puma extinction in human declared when there are more than a dozen of my kind.But one day when we were a lie in the shade of a nap,suddenly the father told us to hurry away,so he found in Cong Cao with shrub Cong Li,with a few dark muzzle directly in front of us.We have just escaped after a few steps,he heard the sound of gunfire deafen the ear with its roar,then is the father dying cry roar,he struggled to fell into a pool of blood.I suddenly felt a pain in extreme grief,as if a knife in my heart,like a mother what will my brother and I hid in the bushes.He did not hesitate to the hunters.It is the same shots,and the same result.I am in front of a black,almost passed out.Imperceptibly,then I open my eyes,I saw they were alive brother leather.All this makes me almost to collapse.The loss of loved ones and to human he is afraid,I always bear in mind.Beside me animals also in said they encounter some broken up,break up families,some see relatives,friends,lover of a tragic before,from being punctured chest bear bile extractor,a no ivory elephant,a no horn rhinoceros,without do not let me feel sad and helpless.Human,human,you wake up.Do you really want to lose will cherish it!Then,an old gorilla out to say to everybody:" human beings are good and bad,when I was young,parents were hunter took his life,but raised as a human being and then back to nature,I heard that now the human has also set up a Wildlife Foundation,dedicated to our rescue animals,many countries have also introduced laws protect us,even the United Nations issued a call:animals and the protection of nature.These are the things that make us happy.Here I represent all the animals to humans called" water can carry a boat,it can also overturn it .' don't wait to only read electronic dog,remembered us.We are the friends of mankind,is the friend!Please send the animal life value,we love and cherish you." The animals in the successful conclusion of the general assembly,the animal 's heart is full of hope.
再问: 能把你的作文翻一下吗?谢谢!
再答: 我们是什么?我们是动物,是和人类一样有血有肉的生灵,更是人类的朋友。而现在我们正被我们的朋友在利益有驱使下赶尽杀绝。”这些就是我——一只美洲狮的发言。 这次动物大会的主题便是人类电视里的一句广告:“我们是人类的朋友,为什么还捕杀我们?”我是这世界现在还活着的唯一的美洲狮,在人类宣告美洲狮灭绝时,世上还有十几只我的同类。但有一天正当我们一家躺在树阴下小憩时,突然爸爸叫我们快点走开,原来他发现在丛草染生的灌木丛里,有几只黑洞洞的枪口正对着我们。就我们刚刚逃出几步后,便听见几声震耳欲聋的枪声,紧接便是爸爸临死的哀吼,他挣扎了几下便倒在血泊里。我顿时感到有万箭穿心的痛,仿佛一把把刀插在我的心窝里,母亲好像预感到了什么,将哥哥和我藏进了草丛。自己却毫不犹豫的冲向了猎手们。 又是同样的枪声,又是同样的结果。我眼前一黑,几乎要昏死过去。不知不觉地,我又睁开了眼,只见他们正活剥哥哥的皮。这一切使得我几乎要崩溃。亲人的离去和对人类的仇和怕,我一直铭记于心。 在我旁边动物也在说它们的遭遇,有的是家破人亡,妻离子散,有的亲眼看着亲人、朋友、爱人一个个惨死在面前,从被胆汁提取器刺破胸膛的熊,到一头没有象牙的大象,一只没角的犀牛,无一不让我感到心痛和无奈。人类啊人类,你们快醒醒难道真要等失去了才会珍惜吗! 这时,一只老猩猩走出对大家说:“人类也是有好有坏的,我自幼父母被猎人夺去了生命,但又是被人类抚养长大然后放回了自然,听说现在人类也成立了野生动物基金会,专门用来救助我们动物,许多国家也出台了法律保护我们,就连联合国也发出了呼吁:爱护动物保护自然。这些都是让我们欣慰的。这里我代表了所有动物向人类大声疾呼‘水能载舟,亦能覆舟’,不要等到只有天天看电子狗的时候,才想起我们。我们是人类的朋友,是朋友!请将动物的生命看重些,爱护我们也是爱护你们自己。” 这次动物大会圆满结束,动物们的心里都充满了希望。