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求英语作文一 1. 什么是真正的爱国 2. 作为大学生,我们可以做哪些事 3. 每个人都应该热爱自己的祖国二. 1. 提

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 17:40:58
一 1. 什么是真正的爱国
2. 作为大学生,我们可以做哪些事
3. 每个人都应该热爱自己的祖国
二. 1. 提出禁止使用一次性筷子的主张,说明其紧迫性
2. 使用一次性筷子对环境及健康的危害
3. 呼吁爱护环境从"我"做起,停止使用一次性筷子
三. 1. 当今社会虚假新闻越来越多
2. 分析出现这种现象的原因
3. 呼吁社会改变这种不智之举
四. 1. 当今社会全球化趋势日益加强,每个人都是世界大家庭的一分子
2. 大学生应该如何从我做起,做一个合格的"世界公民"
五. 1. 目前很多大学生在追求时尚方面花费太多.
2. 我的个人看法
六. 1. 新的学期即将开始,我有一些计划
2. 列举2-3条最主要的计划,并详细说明为什么要做这些事
3. 实施计划可能遇到什么困难,怎样克服
七. 1. 随着中国人生活水平和医疗水平的提高,我们身边的老人越来越多;
2. 作为他们的子孙后代,我们应该更多地为他们做些事情
3. 这么做的意义
八. 感谢他们在学习,生活上对你的帮助
每篇不少于120字 谢谢
不一定要全部写 能写几篇写几篇 保证质量就给分
求英语作文一 1. 什么是真正的爱国 2. 作为大学生,我们可以做哪些事 3. 每个人都应该热爱自己的祖国二. 1. 提
六. 1. 新的学期即将开始,我有一些计划
2. 列举2-3条最主要的计划,并详细说明为什么要做这些事
3. 实施计划可能遇到什么困难,怎样克服
The Starting of a New Term
Last term for me was a pretty busy term. I had to do many tests, assignments and projects. I didn't get enough time to relax.
Our teacher told us the new coming term is going to be harder and busier than the last term. I was shocked when she told me this. Then I decided I need a plan for the new term so I can flexible my time.
I will get all my course marks up to 85, at least, because I am not pleasent with the marks I have right now. I have to study harder to improve my english writing. My teacher told me I need to memorize more words in case I need them in a paragraph. I might get into a little bit of troubles when I'm increasing my marks. I have to work hard on assignments not just on tests. Assignments and projects play a important role in the total mark I will get.
Hope the new year and the new term will make a new start for me!
七. 1. 随着中国人生活水平和医疗水平的提高,我们身边的老人越来越多;
2. 作为他们的子孙后代,我们应该更多地为他们做些事情
3. 这么做的意义
As there are more middle class people and old people in our country, it clearly shows that Chinese people's health care system and normal life are getting better and better. This is a good point saying our country's technology is getting better, but it is also an issue on people like us.
We have to do something for the old people because they don't have a job. They are retired, they relied on their daughters and sons. For financial problems, we can give enough money to make their life running well. We have to visited them very often, let's say, once a week if possible. Old people feel loneyly easily. We can go to their houses, talk with them, eat a meal and help them on their housework.
The older generation worked hard to support our school education and our family. As a give back gift, we should support their lives and family because they've done so much for us. This is not only a gift, but also to show your filial piety.
五. 1. 目前很多大学生在追求时尚方面花费太多.
2. 我的个人看法
Now days people have more money than 30 years before. People are spending a lot of money not on food, houses, cars, but on clothing, diamonds, decoration stuff. As a result, now days, many university students are spending tons of money of those luxury, useless stuff they buy everyday.
Why is a student paying ¥400 on a NIKE t-shirt when he can get a ¥40 t-shirt made by an unknown brand? What's so good about all those famous brands like NIKE, ADIDAS, REEBOK? Some people say their products are good. They use good material to make their good product. That is true, but does that mean, an unknown brand uses bad material to make their bad product? This is totally wrong. We can buy a 100% cotton t-shirt, with very good quantity, for only ¥40.
Those people who are wasting money on luxury stuff are selfish. Do they earn their own money or just using their parents money? Do they really care about those people who live on the street and don't have food to feed? Do they really care about that?
Now days, buying luxury materials is an act of selfishness.
二. 1. 提出禁止使用一次性筷子的主张,说明其紧迫性
2. 使用一次性筷子对环境及健康的危害
3. 呼吁爱护环境从"我"做起,停止使用一次性筷子
Using once-used chopsticks is easy, fast, but it is also bad for our enviroment and for our health. Have you ever seen a small restaurant alone the side of the road using formal chopsticks? NO! Have you ever wondered why? Because, once-used chopsticks are cheap, and easy to clean up.
Once-used chopsticks are made from wood. In order to make many chopsticks, logging is necessary. How many forests are there left in china? Why are people still logging trees down to make chopsticks that can be used only once and then been thrown away?
We have to help our enviroment by ourselves. Trees play an important part in our Earth's enviroment. They help to reduce sunshine and produces oxygen for every living creature. We can use formal chopsticks, just by washing them after using safes tons of trees.
Once-used chopsticks are also bad for our health. Have you ever not seen, flies flying around those chopsticks at a small restaurant alone the side of the road? Do you think that's clean? Clearly, it is not safe to use those chopsticks because there are the causes of diseases on them. That is GROSS!
Once again, helping our enviroment is also helping to make our bodies better. Why don't we stop using once-used chopsticks?