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英语翻译敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们; 我是六年级四班的.,今天,我代表动物朋友们,阅读来自海洋的信件——小鱼儿的眼泪.“咱

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:29:27
敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们; 我是六年级四班的.,今天,我代表动物朋友们,阅读来自海洋的信件——小鱼儿的眼泪.“咱们的大海啊,可好了,有各色各样的珊瑚,有漂亮的水母有好吃的,还有爱你的哥哥姐姐.’ “妈妈”我问道“外面这么好,为什么不让我出去呢?顺便看看哥哥姐姐,我都快闷死了.” “唉,那是以前了,现在我哪放心你出去,至于你的哥哥姐姐,已经被那前几次石油害死了.” “什么是石油 ” “噢!石油来了,孩子,快跑,快跑.” 妈妈不经意间看到了远处那团叫石油的东西.用尽全部力气将我推了出去.“孩子你要好好活着!” 这是遗言吗?不这不是真的,不是真的.妈妈!妈妈!我一路流浪,看见一条大渔船停在我们头上,我知道他们要来抓我们,我一路乱跑,不知不觉到了另一个地方.这是哪儿?深绿色的海上漂浮着无数的垃圾,散发着恶心的臭味,还有那曾今夺去妈妈生命的石油!“我和你们拼了” 这应该是海洋中最纯净的水了吧——小鱼儿的眼泪.我的演讲完毕,
英语翻译敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们; 我是六年级四班的.,今天,我代表动物朋友们,阅读来自海洋的信件——小鱼儿的眼泪.“咱
Beloved teacher, dear students; Hello, everyone! I was in sixth grade four classes of ., today, on behalf of animal friends, read a letter from the ocean - the tears of small fish. "Let the sea, ah, these days, there are different kinds of coral, jellyfish have a pretty good food, and love your brother and sister. '" Mom, "I asked," out so well, why not let me out? way to see my brother and sister, I almost died of suffocation. "" Well, that was before, and now what I assured you out, as your brother and sister, had been killed that previous oil. "" What is oil? "" Oh! No! Oil to the children, run, run. "Mom inadvertently see the distance that group called the oil thing. Exhausted all efforts to push me out." You have to keep a child alive! "This is the last words? No this is not true, not true. Mom! Mom! Way street I saw a large boat parked in our heads, I know they came for us, the way I run around, unknowingly to another place. God! This is where? dark green with numerous floating garbage, disgusting smell exudes, there is the mother who claimed the life of this oil! "I fight with you," This should be is the purest water in the ocean, right - the tears of small fish... I finished the speech, thank you.
英语翻译敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们; 我是六年级四班的.,今天,我代表动物朋友们,阅读来自海洋的信件——小鱼儿的眼泪.“咱 英语翻译亲爱的老师,敬爱的同学们,我是来自东方培新的洪羽烨.今天我演讲的题目是“让我们拥有一个蓝色的天空”据我们所知,地 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学:今天我演讲的题目是《祖国在我心》. 英语翻译亲爱的同学们,敬爱的老师,我是今天的值日生.今天是二零一一年七月十八,今天是星期一,不知道大家是否都度过了一个愉 在这离别的时候,敬爱的老师,我要.亲爱的同学,我要.亲爱的母校,我要. 英语翻译敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们:今天我们演讲的主题是“你我的一言一行,杭州的文明形象”.杭州,依山而住傍水而居的枕水 尊敬的各位领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我是来自高二·9班的郑海涛,我今天要给大家演讲的题目是《不辜负的闪亮青春 求一首朗诵配乐与文明的对话尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!我是来自八年级(6)班的吴桓。我今天演讲的题目是《与 德语:敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好.怎么说? 英语翻译帮忙翻译成英文 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学 我叫王柔尹,今年10岁了,我是合肥市临湖小学五年级三班的学生,我最喜欢的 英语翻译唐浩的英语自我介绍:亲爱的老师们、同学们、大家早上好、我的名字叫唐浩、今天11岁了、我是1个活波开朗的阳光男孩、 英语翻译亲爱的爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈,叔叔阿姨,老师小朋友们 今天是我十岁生日,谢谢大家参加我的生日宴会,也谢谢你们一直以来