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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 01:42:33
Perhaps 20 year after I,become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table,the hospital ward,take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities,fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.At that time,my had to invent one new medicine,let the disabled person again long new thingses the body; I also must invent one kind of new eye drops,lets these not see the bright person,again sees the light,can see our colorful life; I also must establish an electronic technology hospital,utilizes the high tech medical service technology to save from impending death assists the... 再答: wounded, causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily. 二十年后的我,也许成为一名真正的白衣天使。在手术台前、病房里,以救死扶伤为天职,尽职尽责。那时,我要发明一种新药,让残疾人重新长出新的肢体;我还要发明一种新型眼药水,让那些没有见过光明的人,重见光明,能看到我们多姿多彩的生活;我还要建立一座电子科技医院,运用高科技医疗技术救死扶伤,使病人健康地出院,愉快地生活。
再问: 有没有写20年后,城市的变化的? 也就是未来城市的作业
再答: 有
再答: 朝气蓬勃的我,正在为理想努力奋斗,正在为增长知识而加油,正在为受到表扬而专心学习。今天,我将带你去欣赏二十年后的城市的美丽。 二十年的城市、繁华、美丽、资源丰富,房子全是泡沫,即节省资源,又保护了环境,虽然是泡沫,但是很坚硬,能抵抗1-9级地震。公路也不像现在那么简单,它分为四层,第一层供人行走,第二层供摩托车行驶,第三层供骄车行驶,第四层供货车行驶,不同路段的公路有不同的颜色,红色代表事故多发区,要小心行驶。绿色代表路况通畅,橙色代表附近有行人……路上没有路灯,只要一排排树,这种树的内部已经植入了荧火虫的DNA,每到夜晚,树就亮起,照亮公路。书店里并没有摆书架也没有摆书,只有一台台选书机,只要在选书机上选想要的书,书马上从选书机里掉出来。城市里的军队也装奋精良,士兵穿着防弹衣、防弹裤,戴着钢盔,手里拿着枪在城市中巡逻。城市的外端有一层无形的气罩,气罩外有一条河。气罩把雨水收集在河里,在供人使用。
再答: Vibrant me, is the ideal to strive, is to increase knowledge and refueling, are to be commended and concentrate on their studies. Today I will take you to appreciate the beauty of the city two years later. Two decades of the city, bustling, beautiful, abundant resources, a house full of foam, which save resources and protect the environment, although the bubble, but it is hard to resist earthquake 1-9. Now the road is also not so simple, it is divided into four layers, the first layer for people to walk, and the second layer for motorcycle driving, driving sedans for the third layer, the fourth layer to supply vehicles to the different sections of the highway have different colors, red for the accident-prone area, be careful driving. Green represents the road unobstructed, near Orange represents pedestrians ...... road without street lights, long rows of trees, this tree has been implanted inside a firefly's DNA, every night, the tree on the lights to illuminate the road. Bookstores did not put the book shelves and no place, only one station election of the machine, as long as you want to choose a book on the election of the machine, the book immediately fall out from the machine in book selection. The city also installed Fen sophisticated army, soldiers wearing body armor, bullet-proof pants, wearing a helmet, holding a gun on patrol in the city. The outer side of the city with a layer of invisible hood, hood outside a river. Hood to collect rainwater in the river, in for people to use.
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