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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:19:02
马,头面平直而偏长,耳短.四肢长,骨骼坚实,肌腱和韧带发育良好,附有掌枕遗迹的附蝉(俗称夜眼),蹄质坚硬,能在坚硬地面上迅速奔驰.毛色复杂,以骝、栗、青和黑色居多.马心情很好时会笑 .马最讨厌的动物是胡蜂.马站着打瞌睡.它的主食是草.马可以运送货物,载人.
Ma, head straight and long, short ears. Limbs long, solid bone, tendon and ligamentare well developed, with remains of palm pillow with cicada (commonly known asnight eyes), hoof quality hard, hard ground quickly in Mercedes benz. Hair color iscomplex, the monkeys, chestnut, green and black majority. The horse feelHERSHEY'S will laugh. Ma's hate animal is a wasp. The horse stood doze. It is the staple of the grass. The horse can transport goods, manned.