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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 07:24:43
如果我现在毕业,我将会是一个一穷二白的穷小子,站在人群当中不被注意的那一个,这不是我想要的生活.我想通过自身的努力过上一种我理想的生活.我的理想生活状态就是,不用为自己喜爱的东西,过意地在乎它的价格.当然,我最喜欢RANGE ROVER,现在看来梦想不是很遥远,那是相当的遥远,而让我有种错觉,感觉那永远只是梦想.
If I were to graduate today, I would surely be a penniless guy.one who would in no way draw any attention in the crowd, and that's not the way of life that I desire. I just want , by working hard myself, to live a life of my dream, which is that I won't have to care about the price of something just because I like it Of couese, i like RANGE ROVER best of all.But now it seems to me that my dream is more than far away. It is very vey far away, so far away that I have a feel that it is forever nothing but merely a dream .
Not at all do I hope that I will achieve nothing in life. I don't want a life with no hard work or struggle, but what scares me most is that I will be a complete loser when I have done my best. Deep down in my heart I feel that I may not come home a success.
I have to say that I am not good at being with other people. As far as I can remember, I was quite nervous and dared not speak when I saw the endless lines of people coming into and out of the specialty shop where I was working as a shopping guide What happened later led me to know the fact that working hard isn''t a solution ,but you have to make more friends from whom, by chatting you get to know their viewpoints,their outlooks and their way of doing things. It is those people that let you see more and learn more .We all know how powerful human relationship network is ,which means a lot compared with the poorly limited resources of any single individual. In a commercial society like ours,more values come out of constantly creating value, and that is the natural law of a commercial society, or we will have made the mistake of building cars behind the closed doors. And the when I realized its importance,I perked myself up,being bold enough to talk to the strangers. I talked with them anywhere I went, on the bus, in the raodside snack bar, trying to find our common topics. And at the weekend I didn't forget to go swimming or take part in other activities to get to know more strangers. Well actually they are not strangers, but rather friends. I believe in the proverb that in this world there are no strangers but friends, ones that you are yet to know.
(It was a great pleasure to spend two hours working on your translation version)