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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 14:36:01
同学们,当你早上拉开窗帘准备迎接新一天的阳光时,你是否会被眼前自己所见到的景象所震撼,原本所被向往的好阳光不复存在,取而代之的是那一片茫茫的白雾,你的心里是否会有些难以言喻的感觉?当你在放学铃声响起时满心期待的准备出门大口呼吸阔别已久的新鲜空气时, 原本所被期待的好空气不复存在,取而代之的是那肮脏不已的浑浊气体,你的心真的还能承受下去吗?为何我们身边原本所赖以生存的空气,现在却变成了我们避之不及的毒气?对此,你们真的就打算闭口不语,默默忍受吗?不如让我们来听听同学的心声
My buddies,when you draw back the curtains in the morning,ready to welcome the sunshine of a whole new day,will you get struck by the sight in front of your eyes?The originally yearned sunshine exists no more,replaced by boundless fog pervading the air,and blurring your eyes.Will you be harboring some complex feelings beyond expression?Hering the bell rings,when you rash out of the classroom,hopefully to breathe the long-lost fresh air,the originally desired air exists no more,replaced by polluted dirty muddy air,can you tolerate further?Why the air around us which we used to depend on to live has become so poisonous that we all try to avoid from?At this point,are you really going to suffer in silence instead of shutting out your antipathy?We had better listen to the thoughts from our classmates.