作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 13:50:42
on the understanding that 以…为条件
on the understanding 在这种条件下
in full uniform 穿着一套军礼服
out of uniform 穿着便服
the United States/U.S. 美国
not…until 直到…才
up and down 上上下下;忽上忽下
up to 从事;忙于
What is up? 什么事?
come into use 开始被使用
make use of 利用;使用
out of use 不在使用’废弃
of no use 没有用
put to use 使用
use up 用完;用光;耗尽
be used to (doing) sth .习惯于
used to (do sth.) (过去)常常
as usual 像平常一样
beyond the veil 在来世;在死后的未知世界
draw a veil over 遮掩;隐瞒
take the veil 做修女
at a venture 随便地;碰运气地;胡乱地
Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子.
bring sb. to the verge of 使某人濒于….
On the verge of 濒于…,接近于
do violence to 损害;污辱;侵害;违犯;扭曲事实
have visions of 想象到;幻想
see visions 能预卜未来;做先知
pay sb. a visit 拜访某人
at the top of one′s voice 高声地
be out of one′s voice 嗓子不好
lift up /raise one′s voice 提高嗓门;高声叫喊;大声疾呼;抗议
lie in/lay wait for 埋伏以待;准备出其不意地袭击
wait and see 等待着
wait for 等待;等候
wait on 服侍
wait up 熬夜等待
wake sb. up 某人
wake up 醒来
have a walk 散步
go for a walk 去散步
the Great Wall 长城
for want of 因为缺乏….
In want of 需要…
at war (with ) (同…)进入作战状态;(同…)不和
declare war (on) (对…)宣战;(对…)发动战争
go to war进入作战状态;开始;从军作战
wash down 冲洗
wash up 洗手洗脸;洗餐具
keep (a) watch on 注意
watch out (for ) 密切注意;戒备;提防
watch over 监督;照管
by water 由水路
get into hot water 陷入困境
be wax in sb′s hands 任人操纵摆布
mould sb. like wax 任意摆布某人;使某人惟鸣是丛
by the way 顺便说;附带说说;再路上
by way of 经由;通过…的方式;用作
find one′s way 摸索着前进
find one′s/the way (to )设法到达(某处);努力达到(…)
get in the way 挡住去路;妨碍
give way 撤退;让路;坍塌
go a ling way 有很大作用;大有帮助
in a way 再某种意义上;再某点上
lead the way 引路;带路;示范
lose one′s way 迷路
make way (for) 前进;让路;腾出地方(或)位置
make one′s way前进;成功;前往
on the .one′s way (to) 再途中
under way 在进行中;再前进中
wear away 磨损;磨灭
wear off 磨损;擦掉;逐渐减少
wear out 穿破;用坏;(使)疲乏;(使)耗尽
grow like weeds 蔓延得想野草一样
as well 也;一样
as well as 除…之外(也);和…一样
may as well 不妨;还是…的好
wish sb. well 祝某人成功(或)走运
What about…? ….怎么样?
What for 为何目的
What is sb./ sth. like ? 某人(后某物)是个什么样(或事物)
whether…or 是…还是…; 不管…还是…
after a while 过一会儿
in a short while 一会儿
once in a while 偶尔;间或
while away 消磨(时间)
worth one′s while 值得某人(花时间\经历)
as clean as a whistle 非常洁净;洁白无罪;毫无麻烦地;容易地
blow the whistle(on)告发;揭发;使停下来
let sb. go whistle 不顾某人的意愿;是某人失望
pay dear for one′s whistle 为图一时高兴而付很大代价;得不偿失
wet one′s whistle 喝杯酒;润喉
whistle for 吹哨召唤;空想;痴心妄想
as a whole
on the whole 从全体来看;总之
far and wide 普遍;到处
against one′swill 不情愿地;违心地
at will 好意
ill will 恶意
of one′s own (free)will 出于自愿
wipe out 擦掉消灭
wipe up 把…擦感
at (one′s) wits′ end 智穷计尽;全然不知所措
have/keep one′s wits about one 警觉;保持头脑清醒或冷静
live by one′s wits 靠耍小聪明过日子;东拼西凑过日子
set one′s wits to sb′s 跟别人斗智;跟别人争执
set one′s wits to sth. 开动脑筋
bear witness to 构成…的证据为…作证;证明
a wolf in sheep′s clothing 披着羊皮的豺狼;伪装友善的敌人;口蜜腹剑的人
cry wolf 喊“狼来了”
have/hole a wolf by ears 骑虎难下
keep the wolf from the door < 口>免于贫困(或)挨饿
see a wolf 张口结舌;说不话来
the big bad wolf 令人恐怖的人或物
throw to the wolves 送入虎口;置…险境
wake a sleeping wolf 自找麻烦
break one′sword 食言;失信
have a word with sb. 与某人说话
in a wore 总之;简言之
in other words 换句话说;也就是说
word for word 逐字地
take sb. at his word相信某人说的是真话
at work 在工作;在干活;在起用
get to work 着手工作
out of work 失业
work hard 努力工作
work out 想出;解决;(被)算出;理解;耗尽
work up 逐步发展
in the world 世界上;竟然;到底
worry about 担心…
worse and worse 越来越糟;每况愈下
at (the )worst 在最坏的情况下
be worth(doing) 值得做某事
for all one is worth 尽力;拼命
would rather/sooner 宁愿;宁可
be wrapped up in 全神贯注在;埋头于;被…迷住;和….发生关系
wrap up 包起来;裹起来;穿的暖和;掩盖;隐藏;完成;结束;别吵;住嘴;严重损坏
write down 写下;记下;写下文章诋毁
write off 勾销;注销;轻而一举地写成
write out (正式)写;写出
write to 写给…
at this present writing 写本文或书时
commit to writing 记下来;写下来
the writing on the wall 灾祸降临时的预兆;不详之兆
be wrong with 做错…
do sb. wrong 虐待某人
do wrong 犯罪;违法;犯过错
go wrong 走错路;走入歧途;失足;弄错;失败;(机器等)发生鼓掌;出毛病
in the wrong 错;不对;应付责任
all the year round 一年到头
year in /and year out 年复一年地;一年又一年
as yet 迄今为止;到目前为止
not yet 还没有;尚未
in one′s youth 在青年时代
cram /force/ram/shove/thrust/down sb′s throat 强迫某人接受(意见、观点等);反复向某人;灌输
cut each other′s /one another′s throats 相互残杀
cut one′s own throat 自杀;自取灭亡
lie in one′s throat 说大谎;胡说八道
stick in sb′s throat 骨鲠在某人喉头;使人难以接受;使人说不出话来
throw about 乱丢;乱扔;挥霍
throw away 扔掉
throw off 脱去;去掉;摆脱掉
throw oneself into 投身于;积极从事
throw out 抛出;扔掉
thrust oneself forward 出风头
thrust oneself in 强行闯入;强行介入
thrust out 推出;逐出
be all sb′s thumbs 笨手笨脚
bite one′s thumb at sb 蔑视某人;侮辱某人
keep one ′s thumb on 保守…的秘密
stick/stand out like a sore thumb 显得十分不自然;惹人注目
under sb′s thumbs 受人支配;受人压制
(as)black as thunder 面带怒容;非常生气;脸色阴森
steal sb′s thunder ( 窃取某人的思想、方法、发明创造而)抢先发表或利用;赶在某人的前头;枪去某人的成功
in two ticks 一瞬间;一转眼;一会饵
on /to the tick 极为准时地
tick off 打上记号勾掉
tick over 慢转;空转;(事业等)进展缓慢;(生活等)勉强过得去;平平淡淡
go against the tide 逆潮流;不随大流
go with the tide 顺潮流;随大流
swim with the tide 随波逐流、随大流
tide over (使)克服(困难);使度过(难关、危机等)
turn the tide 改变形势;改变局面使事态急转直下
tie up 捆绑;包扎;阻碍;联合
all the time 一直;始终
at a time 一次
at the same time 同时
at times 有时
for the time being 暂时
have a good time 玩得愉快
in time 及时;最后;终于
on time 准时
once upon a time 从前
out of time 不和时宜;过了规定时间
take one ′s tine 不着急;不慌忙
tip over (使)翻倒
be tired of 厌倦…;厌烦…
(as)warm as (a ) toast 暖烘烘的;很温暖
from top to toe 从头倒脚;完完全全
on one ′s toes 精神振奋;机警
step/tread on one′s toes 伤害某人感情;触怒某人
toilet paper 卫生纸
the day after tomorrow 后天
hole one′s tongue 不开口;(用于祈使语气)不要讲话;安静
too…to 太…而不能
from top to bottom 从上到下;彻底地
on top of 在…上面;完全控(或掌握)着
carry a /the torch for 单恋;单相思;为…奋斗
hand/pass on the torch 把知识文化的火炬传给后代
argue the toss 作无谓的争执;争论已决定的事情
lose the toss 在掷钱币中失败
toss off 一口喝干(酒);毫不费力的做出;一口气做完
toss out 丢弃;扔掉;拒绝接受;淘汰;驱除;开除
toss up 一下子做好(菜等);掷钱(以决定某事)
win the toss 在掷钱中获胜
keep in touch (with) (与…)保持联系
out of touch 不联系;不接触
touch up 修改;润色
in tow 紧跟着;被拖着;在严密的指导下;受某人控制
on tow 被拖着
town hall 市政厅;镇公所
double on one′s trace 故意弄乱脚印(以逃避追捕);搅乱踪迹(使人迷惑)
keep track of 记录;与…保持联系
lose track 失去联系
on the track of sb.跟踪着某人;掌握着某人行动的线索
off the track 离题;出轨;牵引车
track down 追捕到;追查到
traffic accident 交通事故
traffic jam 交通阻塞
traffic lights 交通灯;红绿灯
blaze a /the trail (在森林中)在树上克出指路的标志;开辟道路
hit the trail 出发;立即走开
off the trail 失去臭迹或线索;迷失;离题
on the trail 寻找;找到臭迹或线索
catch a train 赶上火车
change trains 换乘火车
luggage train 行李车
passenger train 旅客列车;客车
training school 职业(培训学校)
traveler′s check 旅行支票
treat sb. as 把某人当作…
bring sb. to trial 审判某人
give a trial 试用(某人);试一试
on trial (指人)在试用期间;(指物)在实验中
stand trial (for) (因...)受审判
in trim 穿着整齐;健康
ask for trouble 自找麻烦;自讨苦吃
get into trouble 招致不幸;陷入困境;遭受处罚;(使)未嫁怀孕;被捕;坐牢
take (the) trouble 费力;奋力
come true (梦想等)实现
to tell the truth (用作插入语)老实话
try for 谋求;争取
try on 试穿
try one′s best 尽力;尽量
try out 试用;实验;试试看
put off v. 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻
put away v. 放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃
put up v. 举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举
put aside v. 撇开, 储存...备用
in time adv. 及时
on time adv. 准时
in no time adv. 立刻
at one time adv. 同时, 曾经
at a time adv. 每次, 在某时
turn out v. 打扫, 驱逐, 使外倾, 生产, 起床, 翻出, 制造, 关掉
turn up v. 找到, 发现, 出现, 折起, 拐入, 卷起, 使仰卧, 突然发生
turn on v. 开启, 变得兴奋, 突然装出, 开始
turn on v. 开启, 变得兴奋, 突然装出, 开始
turn over v. 打翻, 营业额达到, 周转, 移交给, 反复考虑, 翻身, 折腾, 翻阅
pass on v. 去世, 传递
hand in v. 交上
make out v. 书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出
go into v. 进入, 加入, 探究, 变得
join in v. 参加,加入
be in 到达, 执政
come into v. 进入, 得到, 继承 继承,取得
take on v. 披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行
take down v. 拿下, 记下, 拆卸, 病倒
take in v. 接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗
take back v. 送还, 接回, 取消, 使回忆起
one after another adv. 接连地
by turns adv. 轮流, 交替
right away adv. 立刻
step by step adv 逐步地
associate with v 联合
relate to v. 涉及
devote to 把...献给 把...专用于
break off v. 中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落, 暂停, 断绝, 解除
break in v. 训练, 使合用, 闯入, 打断, 开始工作
break into v. 破门而入, 侵占
break out v. 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, 把...备好待用
break through v. 突围, 突破
take up v. 拿起, 开始从事, 继续, 吸收, 责备, 拘留, 占据, 认购
take on v. 披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行
take over v. 把...从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管
take out v. 拿出, 取出, 去掉, 出发, 取得, 扣除, 抵充, 发泄
even though adv. 即使
so long as adv. 只要
just as adv. 正象
now that 既然
count for 价值
account for v. 说明, 占, 解决, 得分
make for v. (尤指匆匆地)走向, 有利于, 倾向于, 导致 向前进,有助于
go for v. 去找, 努力获取, 被认为, 主张, 拥护
run over v. 跑过去, 溢出, 超过限度, 匆匆看, 辗过, 扼要复述, 放送(录音磁带等至完)
run out of v. 用完
run in v. 跑进, 顺便探访, 插入, 拘留, 使不间断, 试车, 使当选
run into v. 跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到
run up to v. 跑到, 达到, 积累到
run up v. 向上跑, 赶制, 迅速积累, 抬高, 高涨, 高速运转, 助跑
no sooner than adv. 一...就
burn for 切望获得 渴望
burn off 烧掉, 蒸发
burn down v. 烧为平地, 火力减弱
in that 由于, 因为 既然
except that n. 除了...之外, 只可惜
except for adv. 除...以外
in the way adv. 挡道
in the way of 关于...方面
set off v. 出发, 动身, 使爆炸, 引起, 使爆发, 抵销, 分开, 衬托
pay off v. 还清(债务等)付清, 报复, 赢利
see off 送行
call off v. 叫走, 放弃, 使转移走, 依次叫名
get over v. 爬过, 克服, 熬过, 恢复, 原谅
get up v. 起床
get into v. 进入, 陷入, 穿上
get in v. 进入, 到达, 收获, 插入, 陷入
get down v. (从...)下来, 吞下, 写下, 使沮丧
put up v. 举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举
object to 反对
pass on v. 去世, 传递
call on v. 号召, 呼吁, 邀请, 访问, 指派, 要(学生)回答问题
even if conj. 即使
if only adv. 只要
instead of adv. 代替, 而不是...
knock about 接连打击(指拳击), (浪等)反复冲击(船只) (物等)碰撞
粗暴对待(=knock around) [口]到处流浪, 漫游
knock in
knock out v. 敲空, 击倒, 打破, 破坏, 使筋疲力竭
knock over v. 打翻, 搜查, 吃掉
knock up v. (使)筋疲力尽, (使)累垮
so as adv. 只要
so that conj. 所以 , 因要
put into v. 使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植
take into account v. 重视, 考虑
put into effect
实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现
keep in v. 抑制, 隐瞒, 隐藏, 继续燃烧
bring to mind v. 想起
at rest adv. 安眠, 长眠, 静止
to return [用作插入语]言归正传
by and by adv. 不久以后
all over adv. 全部结束, 到处, 浑身, 完全象
at present adv. 现在, 目前
give up v. 放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输, 把...送交, 对...绝望(=give up)
either or 不是...就是..., ...或...
neither nor 既不...也不...