作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 04:27:15
Opening Scene
- A "vespene" refinary is shown in the background and text scrolls across the screen.
"Koprulu Sector Mar Sara System - Terran Dominion Vespene Refinery of 1138 03:00am"
- A purple light appears at the building in the distance,seeming to swirl around it as a beam shoots into the sky
Scene 2
"73 Hours later..."
- A dropship zooms above abunch of Marines that are walking toward the building which looks like a Zerg Hive,the camera zooms inbetween them and focuses on a Marine standing still.His visor then opens...
"Lieutenant Haggs,status report."
Haggs:No sign of the Zerg Captain.Maybe they've retreated.
Captain:Maybe?There are no maybes here lieutenant.They turn their spiny tails and ran away before the first Dropships had set down.I want all the men assembled and ready to move up to the Refinery.We're gonna take that objective and go home.
Haggs:But sir,shouldn't we send up a scout team to...
- The captain turns around and stares at him
Haggs:Yes sir.
Captain:Hell,my grandma's sewing circle could've handled this mission.
Scene 3
- Dropships are seen flying into the air
Marine:So,anybody know the X.O down there?
Marine 2:Captain Bok,he's an idiot...
- The Marines start laughing
Marine:Hey Sarge,what's with the Ghost?
- Camera shifts and shows the Marines with the Ghost in the back of the Dropship with only it's feet showing.
Sarge:You got me.
Marine:Don't say much.
Sarge:They never do.
Marine:Heh,check this out.
Marine:Hey!Tough guy,what's with the loner crap?
Marine:Why don't you come back here and sit with the real men!
- The Ghosts feet can be seen being uncrossed with the Ghost leaning forward revealing blonde bangs.
- The camera then shifts to the Marines all looking at the Ghost.
- Camera then shifts back to the Ghost with it's face popping out of the shadow's revealing a Female.
- The Marines are then heard in the background snickering and laughing
Marine 3:Real smooth Vistor.
Vistor:Shut up...
Scene 4
- Captain is seeing walking forward with Haggs nearby
Haggs:Captain Bok,I've got word from HQ that 3 Dropships are on route with reinforcements.
Haggs:ETA is...
Captain Bok:Reinforcements?
Haggs:Yes sir,2 squads and a Black-Ops unit.
Captain Bok:Black-Ops?
Captain Bok:Haggs,all we need here is blood sweat and the firepower of my Terran Marine Corp.
Haggs:Should I call HQ to cancel?
Captain Bok:Hell yes Lieutenant!
Captain Bok:I've got this...operation...
- The ground can be heard rumbling
Captain Bok:You hear that?
Captain Bok:Who called in Siege Tanks?I want to know who called Siege Tanks onto my Battlefield Lieutenant!
Haggs:We aint got no Tanks here sir.
- A nearby box falls onto the ground.
Captain Boks:Mother mercy...
Nearby Marine:Zerg!
Captain Bok:Pull back...Pull back!Pull back!
- Marines are heard yelling as the camera shifts showing hundreds of Zerg heading toward the Marines
Scene 4
- The marines are shown firing onto the Zerg
Marine:Pullem back!Pullem Back!
- A firebat is seen coming between two marines and starts lighting up the Zerg
- The zerglings eventually are too much for the firebat as they swarm him,killing him.
Scene 5
- A group of Marines are seen firing at an Ultralisk
Marine:Hold your ground!Hold your ground!
Marine 2:Bring it down!
- Zerglings are seen coming from the sides of the Marines
Marine:They're coming everywhere!
- The Ultralisk swats the Marine with it's large scythe like claw
Captain Bok:I want those reinforcements!I want them now!
Scene 7
- Dropships are seen heading toward the location of the battle
Dropship Pilot:Captain Bok calls in the calvery,that's a first.
Dropship Pilot 2:He didn't even say please.
Dropship Leader:This is serious boys,it sounds hotter than torga asphault down there.Keep your eyes peeled,it's way too quiet up here.
- Two Mutalisks are shown appearing behind the Dropships
Dropship Pilot:We've got company.Hostiles on our 6.
Dropship Pilot 2:Put the petal to the metal!
- The Mutalisks are shown firing at the Dropships
Dropship Pilot:Taking fire.
- A Mutalisk blast hits a Dropship
Dropship Pilot:Im hit!
- The Dropship is shown spinning out of control and crashes into the 2nd Dropship
Dropship Leader:Doomhammer and Lightbringer are down and I've got bugs everywhere.We're not gonna make it to the LZ so I'll put us in as close as possible.Hold on tight boys and girls,we're going in hard and fast.
- The Ghost is seen looking into the scope of her rifle
- Dropship is seen landing
Dropship Leader:I dont plan on sticking around out here very long,so don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Sarge:Let's roll!
- The Sarge is seen looking at the Ghost loading her rifle as she sets the handle down on the ground with her hand near the barrel.She stares back at the Sarge and the camera fades.
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