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找篇完形填空,要答案的!开头第一句:Once,looking for stories on the back roads

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:20:37
找篇完形填空,要答案的!开头第一句:Once,looking for stories on the back roads of Onio
找篇完形填空,要答案的!开头第一句:Once,looking for stories on the back roads
Once,looking for stories on the back roads of Ohio,we weren't getting on smoothly.A beekeeper (养蜂人) we'd been told about was away from home 1 we called on him.An amusement park where we thought we might find a(n) 2 had shut down for the season.We began to get a little 3 .When 4 a farmhouse,we found a banner(横幅) between two trees in the front yard.The 5 said in huge letters:WELCOME HOME,ROGER!We drove 6 for a mile or two.Somebody said,“Wonder who Roger is?” We 7 ,went back there and knocked on the door.Roger was a soldier on his way home from war.His 8 knew he was coming,but weren't sure what day he was going to 9 .We asked if they'd mind if we brought the camera into the house.Roger's mother said it would be all 10 if we'd give her a few minutes to fix her hair.We weren't there more than an hour,talking to those people who were all 11 about Roger coming home and taking pictures.In the bus as we 12 on that afternoon,I wrote a simple story letting Roger 13 all the soldiers coming home from war.We sent the 14 with the story to New York,and Walter Cronkite put it on the Evening News.15 has any of our stories caused such a reaction from viewers.The CBS switchboard (总机) 16 up that night with dozens of calls from people 17 by it in some way,and hundreds of letters came in,some of them suggesting that the story be 18 .There was so much 19 throughout that Cronkite had to report a few nights 20 ,“Oh,and by the way—Roger got home!”1.A.since B.where C.because D.when2.A.place B.story C.owner D.way3.A.discouraged B.disturbed C.satisfied D.touched4.A.entering B.visiting C.passing D.searching5.A.banner B.host C.mother D.reporter6.A.out B.away C.on D.down7.A.got out B.turned around C.drove on D.gave up8.A.family B.company C.police D.army9.A.leave B.pass C.start D.arrive10.A.possible B.troubled C.right D.suitable11.A.encouraged B.worried C.excited D.surprised12.A.stayed B.rolled C.took D.started13.A.expect B.represent C.express D.congratulate14.A.letter B.book C.camera D.film15.A.Seldom B.Actually C.Usually D.Unexpectedly16.A.put B.got C.sent D.lighted17.A.satisfied B.moved C.known D.expected18.A.broadcast B.told C.repeated D.spread19.A.surprise B.disappointment C.entertainment D.interest20.A.later B.earlier C.before D.sooner 答案:1.D.本句说明前一句中这次采访不顺利的原因,when引导时间状语从句.2.B.进一步说明采访的不顺利,本以为在游乐园可以找到报道的素材,却又因季节原因而落空.story意为“新闻报道的素材”.3.A.由于采访不顺利,所以泄气.4.C 5.A.根据前一句所提到banner可知.6.C.drive on 意为“继续开车”.7.B.要went back there and knocked on the door必须先调头(turn around).8.A 9.D 10.C.be all right 表示同意作者采访.11.C.Roger要回来,所以家人都很高兴.12.B.roll on 表示车轮的转动.13.B.写了以Roger为代表的从战争中归来的战士的故事.14.D.film意为“胶片,底片,胶卷”.15.A.本句用的倒装句,所只能用seldom .16.D.light up 开着灯,亮着灯.17.B.moved by it 表示被它所感动,it指那个故事.18.C.有人建议重播这个故事.19.D 20.A