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英语翻译非常荣幸能收到你的来信,很抱歉这么晚回复你,也希望这并没有影响到你的安排.It is my great plea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:02:26
It is my great pleasure to receive your letter ,but terribly sorry for my late reply ,hope that wouldn’t affect your arrangement.
I think I am free after 16th Apr,is it acceptable for your plan?If yes ,I would like to have a appointment with you for understanding my working range as you expected .
But would you let me know when you are convenice ,or will be in the factory of mainland To let me know the exact time will be better for me to arrive on time ,thanks!
Kindly please let me know if you had already selected a right person for that job ,no longer need my coming.
Remember me to Mary and two of your cute babies!
英语翻译非常荣幸能收到你的来信,很抱歉这么晚回复你,也希望这并没有影响到你的安排.It is my great plea
It is my great pleasure to receive your letter. I’m terribly sorry for my late reply, and hope that it wouldn’t affect your arrangement.
I think I will be available after 16th Apr. Is it acceptable according to your plan? If it is ok, I would like to make an appointment with you to visit the factory before start my work for well understanding of my work range.
Would you please let me know when it will be convenient with you in the mainland factory? Then I can be there in advance, thank you a lot.
If there are some other proper personnel, and no need for me to come, please also take the trouble to let me know. Many thanks.
Remember me to Mary and two of your cute babies!
再问: 请问一下,从这篇文章中看出,我翻译的薄弱环节在哪里?
再答: 有些句子还是可以的,但是用词太单一,有些不符合英语表达习惯,语法也不正确。要打好语法基础,并用英语的表达方法思考,还是要多看,多记,多练
英语翻译非常荣幸能收到你的来信,很抱歉这么晚回复你,也希望这并没有影响到你的安排.It is my great plea 英语翻译抱歉这么迟才回信给你,首先非常高兴收到你的来信我会在周一早上10:00安排一个电话会议给你,在这之前请让我知道你 英语翻译由于时差的问题,我刚刚收到你的来信,对此我表示很抱歉 英语翻译很抱歉,这么晚才回复你是因为我们直到今天早晨才收到来自AAA公司的答复.英文咋说? 英语翻译很高兴收到了你的来信,你的真诚是我非常感动. 我收到你的来信我很高兴.希望你能来广州玩.英文翻译. 英语翻译“已经收到你的来信了,很抱歉这么晚才给你回信,因为对于具体的问题,我们还在研究商讨中,所以抱歉没及时给你回信.对 英语翻译非常感谢你的来信,很荣幸您能帮我推荐职位.很抱歉现在才回e-mail给你.因为最近这几天有点事在忙,所以耽搁了. 英语书面表达:你叫李华,收到朋友的来信,请你也回复他一封, 英语翻译很高兴这么快就收到了你的来信!你是个真诚的人!我很喜欢和你交朋友!给你邮去我的照片!祝你身体早日康复!希望你看到 英语翻译求以下这段英语翻译,收到你的回复了,你知道吗看到你回复的时候我觉得我们的关系又近了,不知道你是不是也这么认为?只 英语翻译亲爱的Jimmy 我非常开心这个圣诞节你可以来北京游玩.同时我很荣幸,可以收到你的邀请与你一同登长城.我希望你到