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Are you a man or a mouse?When people ask this question they

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 16:20:36
Are you a man or a mouse?When people ask this question they want to know __36_ you think you are a _37_ person or a coward(懦夫).But you will never really know the answer to this question __38__you are tested in real life.Some people __39__they are brave but when they come face to face with real __40_,they act like cowards.Others think of themselves as cowards,but when they meet danger,they act like __41_.Lenny had always thought of himself as a __42__person.He got worried before examinations.He worried about his job and his health.All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.__43__,on January 15th,2002,a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington.Lenny went to the river to see what was happening.He saw a woman in the __44__water.Lenny did not feel afraid.He kept very __45__and did a very courageous thing.He jumped into Potomac,__46__to the woman,and kept her head __47__the water.Seventy-eight people died that day.Thanks to Lenny,it was not __48__.When you are in a very __49__situation and feel afraid,the body automatically(自动地)produces a chemical in the blood.This chemical is called adrenalin(肾上激素).__50__adrenalin in the blood system,you actually feel stronger and stronger and are __51__to fight or run away.However,when you are absolutely terrified,the body can produce too much adrenalin.When this __52__ ,the muscles become v 这个完型填空在网上有,求英语老师去网上看一下完整版,我想知道这个的解析
Are you a man or a mouse?When people ask this question they
答案:1-5 CABCD 6-10CCCDB 11-15DCDAA 16-20CCBDD
解析C.根据后面的or来判断应该用if来引导宾语从句,表示你"是否"认为你是一个勇敢的人还是一个懦夫  2. A.与后面的a coward相对应, 应填"勇敢的".  3.B.因为前面有否定词never,相当于not,因此选until,not ... until表示"直到……才".  4.C.根据下文的内容答案只能选think.  5.D.根据下文they act like cowards来判断,有些人自认为勇敢,当"面临危险"的时候,举止就像懦夫.  6.C.与上文相反进行对比论证,有些人看起来像懦夫,但当遇到危险的时候,实际行动就像"英雄"一样.  7.C.根据后面两句中的worried来判断,答案应该是与懦夫相近的词,只有"紧张的"人与懦夫意思相近.  8.C.从上下句来看是表示时间的先后,用then来承接后来所发生的事.  9.D.因为美国的季节与中国的相近,时间又是元月五号,所以水是"冰冷的".  10.B.根据上文的不害怕可知,他应该是保持"冷静",其余选项不符合语境.  11.D.因为他跳入水中,所以是"游"向那位妇女.  12.C.根据常识,人掉在水中,头应该在水"上"能够呼吸,不呛水,其余不符合语境.  13.D.根据前面的seventy-eight来判断,她不是第七十九个遇难者,而是获救了.  14.A.根据后面的"害怕"可判断出答案.  15.A.根据对后面句子的内容的逻辑推理可知,前面应是:血里如果"有"了肾上腺素,你就会感到越来越强…….  16.C.根据上文,血里有肾上腺素,你就会越来越强壮随时"准备"搏斗或跑开.be ready to do sth.是"准备、乐意做某事".  17.C.根据上一句话,得出答案:当这种情况"发生"时.肌肉就会变得僵硬.这也是医学常识.  18.B.根据上文,肌肉变硬了,结果你就一点也"不能"动了.  19.D.根据前后的因果关系,这是说明原因的,why引导表语从句,表示"原因".  20.D.该句后面省略了that, "so+形容词+that..."是一个固定句型.
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