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仁爱版八年级英语下册语言点归纳Unit 5 Feeling Happy    Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?Teaching time :一.  重点词汇:(一)反义词 happy----unhappy/ sad     lucky----unlucky    poor----rich    kind----cruel    popular----unpopular     smart----stupid/ silly    interesting----boring  (二)表示情感的形容词 excited感到兴奋的      surprised 吃惊的     happy 快乐的              unhappy/ sad 伤心的          angry / mad 生气的   worried  焦急的    afraid/ frightened 害怕的   disappointed 失望的         proud 自豪的         lonely 孤单的            nervous 紧张不安的           interested 感到有趣的   (三) 重点词组1.     oneof my favorite movies                我最喜欢的电影之一2.     spendthe evening                       过夜3.     saythanks to sb.                        向某人道谢/道别/问好4.     tella short story                        讲一个小故事5.     aticket to…                           一张…的票6.     wishto do sth.                         希望做某事7.     getenough sleep                       得到足够的睡眠8.     wina medal                           获得一枚奖牌9.     feelproud/ lonely                       感到自豪/孤单10.  seta table for…                        为……摆餐具11.  havea temperature = have a fever          发烧12.  beable to do sth.                       有能力做某事13.  ringup                               给……打电话14.  carefor= look after/ take care of           照顾15.  becauseof                             由于16.  cheerup                              使……振奋/高兴起来17.  playthe role of sb.                      扮演某人的角色18.  beon                                 上演; 放映19.  atfirst                                首先20.  fallinto                              落入21.  beafraid of doing sth.                   害怕做某事22.  in/atthe end = at last                    最后23.  gomad                               发疯24.  comeinto being                        形成25.  befull of                             充满…26.  bepopular with…                      受……喜爱27.  makepeace                           制造和平28.  end/beginwith…                       以……结尾/开始二.  重点句型及重点语言点1. How nice! 真是太好了!  Whata shame! 真可惜! What bad news! 多糟的消息! 这三句全都是感叹句.它们的结构为:1)     How + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语!如: How moving the movie is! Howfast the boy runs!2)     What + a/an + adj. + n. (可数名词的单数) + 主语+ 谓语! 如:What a big apple (it is)!3)    What + adj. + n.(可数名词的复数或不可数名词) + 主语 + 谓语!如:What interestingstories (they are)!    What hard work( itis)!2. Because he can’t get a ticket to TheSound of Music. 因为他没有买到《音乐之声》的票.to  表“的”,常见的搭配如下:a ticket toThe Sound of Music  一张《音乐之声》的票the answer to the question   问题的答案the key to the door  门的钥匙the way to…去…..的路3. I think Mr. Lee likes it verymuch and really wishes to watch it. 我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看.    wish/ hope  to do sth.希望做某事 与wish 相关的结构还有: wish/ hope + that引导的从句;如: Iwish/ hope (that) we will win.我们可以说wish sb. to do sth. 而不能说hopesb. to do sth.;4. I’ll ring up Michaellater. 稍后我打电话给迈克. ring up sb. = call/ ring/ phone sb. = give sb. a ring/ call/ telephone =make a telephone to sb. 当宾语为代词时, 只能放中间.如: ring me/him/her up5.…since they werenot able to go. ……既然他们不能去. can与be able to  二者都表“能;会”,在指“一般能力”时,常互换.如:He can/is able to work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题. 区别: can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而be able to 有时态及数的变化. 如: I/ She couldn’t swim three years ago, butnow I / She can .     三年前,我/她 不会游泳, 但现在我/她能.I will be able to see him next week. 下周, 我将会看到他.They were /He was able to climb themountain, but now they aren’t/ He wasn’t.They’re / He was tooold.  他们/他过去能爬得上这座山, 但现在不能. 他们/他太老了.6. I’m sure Mr. Lee willbe surprised and happy! 我确信李老师会很惊奇也很高兴! be surprised “感到惊奇的”, 主语一般为人. be surprising “令人惊奇的”, 主语一般为物. 类似的有:interested/ interesting;  excited/ exciting;  bored/ boring7. The lonely father often became angrybecause of the noisy children. 孤独的父亲经常由于吵吵闹闹的的孩子们而发怒了.  because of “由于”,是介词短语,后常跟名词或短语.如:  He didn’t come to school becauseof his illness./ because he was ill.由于他的病,他没来上学.  We didn’t go there because ofthe heavy rain./ because it rained heavily.    由于大雨,我们没去那儿.8. Maria was able to cheer up thefamily by teaching them to sing lively songs…玛丽亚有能力通过教他们唱轻快的歌曲使整个家庭振作起来.by 是介词,指“通过(某种方式)”,后面跟名词、代词、形容词或动名词.9. What did Maria go to theVon Trapp family for? = Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp?  玛丽亚为了什么目的去冯特拉普家庭?10. … and the mother was soworried that she looked for him everywhere, …  这位母亲是如此焦急,以致于他四处寻找他.  so + adj/ adv. + that + 句子   指“如此…以致于”三.  重点语法 1.系表结构:Linking verb. + adj.   常见的连系动词如下:1)be 动词:He is helpful.   They are tired.2) 表 “…起来”:look看起来;sound听起来; taste尝起来;feel摸起来等等.如:3)表状态变化的连系动词有:get 变得;turn 转变; go变; become变成 等等.如: In summer, the days get longer, the weather gets warmer. In fall, the leaves turn yellow.            The mother went mad.He became angry.2.because 引导的原因状语从句:  because 用来回答why提问的问句,表示的原因语气很强,一般用在主句后面,强调因果关系. Mr. Wang looks tired because he worked late last night and didn’t getenough sleep. Kangkang is disappointed because his best friend is not able to come. ----Why do they feel proud? ----Because a player from their country won a medal.  Topic 2   Why is Beth crying?Teaching time : 一、重点词汇:(一)词形转换:  1.badly(反义词)well                  2.shy(最高级)shyest3.understand(过去式)understood        4.anxious(同义词)worried   5.satisfaction(形容词)satisfied          6.surprise(形容词)surprised7.suggestion(动词)suggest             8.stranger(形容词)strange9.advice(同义词)suggestion            10.either(反义词)too11.humorous(名词)humor             12.sad(名词)sadness13.unfair(反义词)fair                 14.hit(过去式)hit(二)重点词组:( 1 )  “be + 形容词+ 介词” 的结构:   be worried about                    对……感到担心/ 焦虑   be anxious about                    对……感到焦虑   be glad about                       对……高兴be nervous about                    对……紧张   be strict with sb.                    对某人严格   be strict in / about sth.                对某事严格   be patient with                      对……耐心   be pleased / satisfied with             对……满意   be bored with                       对……烦闷   be popular with                     受……欢迎   be angry with/at sb.                  对某人生气   be angry at/ about sth.                对某事生气   be surprised at                      对……惊奇   be mad at                          对……气愤   be excited at                        对……兴奋   be interested in                      对……有兴趣   be tired of                          对……疲倦   be afraid of                         对……害怕( 2 ) 课文词组:1.           dobadly in                               在某方面表现很差2.           talkwith sb. = have a talk with sb.           与某人谈一谈3.           overand over again                        反复地; 一再4.           waitin line                               排队等候5.           fallbehind                                落后6.           getsb. to do sth.                           让某人做某事7.           atone’s age                               在某人的年龄时8.           tryto eat less high-energy food              少吃高能量的食品9.           calmdown                               冷静;镇静10.        havebad experiences                       有不好的经历11.        give…ahand                              帮助12.        inone’s teens                              在某人十几岁时13.        happento sb.                              发生14.        moveto spl.                               搬到某处15.        getused to (doing) sth.                     习惯于(做)某事16.        be/ make friends with                      与……交朋友17.        join in                                    参加(活动)18.        fitin                                     被他人接受;相处融洽19.        deal with                                  处理; 处置20.        failto pass an exam = fail an exam            考试不及格21.        losea friend or relative                      失去一个朋友或亲戚22.        refuseto do sth.                            拒绝做某事23.        arguewith sb.                              与某人争论24.        havea normal life                           过正常的生活二、重点句型及重点语言点1.     Anythingwrong? = Is there anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗?形容词修饰不定代词要后置. 如:something bad  不好的事情         everything new 一切新的事物2.     Whatseems to be the problem? 似乎有什么问题?seem to do sth.“似乎做某事” 常与 “It seems that + 句子” 转换,如:He seems to knowher name. = It seems that he knows her name. 似乎他知道她的名字.seem + adj  “似乎(怎样)”, 构成系表结构.如:You seem sad. = Youseem (to be) sad.= It seems that you are sad.你似乎很伤心.3.     Whatis the teacher like? 那个老师是什么样的人?What’s sb. like?常询问人的内在品质或性恪. 如:--What’s Bethlike?   -- She is shy and quiet.What does sb.look like? 常询问人的长相.如:--What’s Beth looklike ?  -- She is nice with big eyes.be like 与look like 常可以互换,如:He looks like hismother. = He is like his mother. 他看起来像他的父亲.4.     It is important to talk to someone else. 跟其它人交流很重要.句型 “It is + adj. + to do”中, “It”是形式主语,真正主语是后面的动词不定式. 如:It is normal tofeel tired after a long trip.长途旅行后,感到疲劳是正常的.It is dangerous to swim in the sea. 在大海里游泳是很危险的.5.     …,but I don’t know how to get other students to talk with me. 但是我不知道怎样使他们和我交谈.get sb. to dosth. “使(让/ 叫) 某人做某事”, 相当于 ask / tell sb. to do sth.或者说 let / make sb. do sth.6.     Itusually takes me a long time to become happy again. 通常要花我很长时间才能重新快乐起来.句型 “It takes sb. some time to dosth.” 花了某人某时做某事. 如:It took me three days to finish this work. 花了我三天时间完成这项工作.7.     It is said that…  据说……8.     ... when something bad happens to us. 当不好的事情发生在我们身上时.“sth. happens tosb.”, 指“某事发生在某人身上”. 是一种惯用句型.如:A serious accident happened to his brother yesterday.昨天,一个重大事故发生在他的兄弟身上.happen to do sth. 指 “碰巧做某事”, 如:——————————————————————————————————————-