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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 16:37:24
经过很久,终于写了一篇文章!希望专家们互相切磋!能把文章翻译下来就行了!––––––––––––––––––––– ▒ 虚缘尘子 ▒ ––––––––––––––––––– 难得晨起身抽丝,力息寂无神眸子,伏桌暗念谁人知,似堪载重情于思,纵忆提笔叙情时,灵临行云流水记,两言孤句双双起,逐而断章自感意,篇篇苦虚寒如玉,字字怜人似悲曲,年少无知嬉戏闹,浮度空年少秋朝,面颜观其虽不老,情却如尘叹言笑,恍恍初佳欲云长,日日晌晌唯衷想,三千水怎拆两行,离别去去怎落殇,途飞雪银装飘翩,过灰燕啄泥掠檐,洒酷炎心心浴火,却堕夏逢冷雨默,千语抵不过乱忧,万念怎能拦亲走,无心略影山重重,归路望林眼朦胧,仰首掩不住泪头,埋面静不了心弦,喃喃推门入孤楼,只念远亲心来舒,度日如年惜驹隙,影已刻梦难平消,惋离尔时太过早,未愿共扶白首老,讥兮讽兮嘲弄兮,羞颜面刺血心滴,乱情缠心赋古句,凄凄幽幽枯草绿,忽闻书香有佳人,清井平镜起涟漪,上有教训省之过,一心朝暮夕阳小,衷心过早难同老,夜夜斟酌真难夺,巧乱佳人只奈何,本语倾慕之虚意,错认倾心为卿拟,吾尘俗庸好词者,八面心洞玲珑愧,佳人未经世海空,与之两语三言统,可怜可惜可叹悔,佳人清莲无她媚,出俗洁好身自真,随心之口是同人,却不同道难共苦,吾甘万只愧卿独,此消情长寻比翼,题名啸缘深悉机,常扣念封心问诫,虚虚三载且受历,负罪平抚刻铭记,背天下只天不负,纵然世人全陌弃,唯喜佳人共连理,青衫依旧心已改,手留昔彼予许钗,恰去动情尔尔心,谈言间痛泪洗面,如似红颜知己亲,卑微若土望尔目,除却异念开心封,不料又伤断肠疼,此梦难醒无枉情,哀听梦里啼萧笙,自古多情月恨缺,白发心愁方寒雪,自此声息全未闻,跪受二字轻缘分,渊河深青州思人,满腹垂恋扁舟沉,覆呵笑盖渡面具,凭假意虚心对逆,借真明懂惜友候,疏者难近吾心身,狠决绝异人顾深,独行惯亲人知难,称德言谈举止间,食之芳影细芊芊,承多情怎会滥情,晚霞粉粉一派好,分分离离霄天笑,此玉无瑕进彼画,正渡苦难同天涯,俗言初今难忘了,心衷亦衷不复衷,重重叠叠两离痛,亭上吾染一夜凄,杯酒干又添醉眼,吾今为全躬请谅,月上夜长天茫茫,吾迷未了缘劫浪,合指归心虚缘往,登不得大雅之堂,怎能担圣仙二字,虚者心自知识人,以虚入市烟假真,任虚虚实实于世,吾论虚鉴难真挚,言不由心疏外物,虚寞无闻会关他,若与虚者三千丈,万时不得真心肠,本意相知相珍爱,奈何缘浅似发细,苦有红颜又知己,缘人世世好难觅,不可捉摸暗夜底,一象无视十指迹,缘来缘去幽别离,水倒清月月相惜,雨打枝花归尘土,香炉层尘灰深屋,尘心难静平字情,梦语啐啐佳人影,尘沉者重空默话,承诺誓之言珠珍,独行单依是本心,眼净清潺水自尘,虚缘尘子春秋此,不以君子小人量,归尘封亭落余枫,佳人踪寻怎罢休,临静情又上心头,虚缘尘子空心禅,意意诗心句句连,不拘格局辨吾我,虚缘尘子怎会可,尘亦尘土尘土途,空以虚缘亭封子,萧萧风随红枫去,余子心月安尘语……
Rare morning run,breath and dull eyes,the underlying tables to myself who knows,itcan load love Si,longitudinal memory write Syrian intelligence,Ling Lin freely flowing style of writing,two word sentences both solitary,and fragments by self,make bittercold jade,his pity for the people like sad music,young ignorance play play downtown,floating space young autumn morning,face the not old,the situation is as dust sighand laughing,suddenly beginning to cloud effect better,every day noon only keen tothree thousand water,how open two lines,parting to how falling snow snow drifting inwar,the way,grey Yan peck mud swept eaves,sprinkle cool inflammatory heart fire,but summer rain falling on silent,thousands of language is still chaos worries,thoughts can stop dear,inadvertently omitted Kageyama heavy,return Wang Lin eyes dim,couldn't hide the tears my head,not buried surface static heart,she pushed the door into the isolated building,only read a heart to comfort,and cherish the colt gap,shadow has dreams difficult to Ping Xiao,sigh from at that time too early,not willing tohelp the elderly old,ridicule,satire,ridicule or shame Yan,comedo blood heart drops,disorderly feeling bound heart Fu ancient words,I faint Bacillus green,a beauty and smell the fragrance Shii Hira lens,the ripples,there are lessons too,only when thesmall,my early difficult The same old,all consider is lost,how chaotic beauty only tothe language,from the heart empty,for Qing,Wu Yong earthly good word,eight heart hole Linglong ashamed,beauty without the sea,Sanyan and two language systems,but alas poor regret,with the wind Qing Lian without her Mei,a custom clean body selfreally,the heart is different,but not as difficult weather,Wuganwan only shame Qingalone,the sentiment long sought wing to wing,margin often know the title or machine,buckle read letter asked the commandment,empty for three years and by thecalendar,guilt soothe engraved in mind,the world only days is not negative,even ifthe world abandoned only hi beauty Co Mo,even still,green heart has been changed,leaving in their hands to a hairpin,just to emotional pain Tanyan 'heart,tears,like aconfidante dear,humble if soil Wanger,but read different happy letter,but anotherinjury heart ache,this dream difficult to wake up without you,and listen to the dreamto Xiao Sheng,the ancient sentimental moon hates missing,white heart worry aboutparty snow,since no sound around,kneeling by the two word light fate,Yuan river deep thoughts of Qingzhou people,full of vertical love boat sink,oh smile cover coverDu mask,with false modesty of inverse,borrow real Ming know cherish friendlyclimate,sparse hard in my mental,you must The vast human Gu deep,lone familyknown to be used,says de speech and deportment,eat Fang shadow fine Qianqian,the sentimental how sentimentality,the flour a good separation,Xiao days of laughter,the flawless jade into their painting,was Du suffering with the vulgar language,at the beginning of this memorable,heart failure is also keen not keen,overlapping twoaway from the pain,I dyed night kiosk on the desolate,drink dry and add them,I nowfull bow please forgive,month long day night boundless,Wu fan outstanding marginrob Lang,he refers to the virtual edge,the Board shall not in good taste,can bear theSt.fairy two words,the virtual heart self knowledge,the virtual into the smoke false true,as the true mingled with the false in the world,our virtual reference theory tosincere,not by words and objects,virtual lonely no smell will turn him,and if the virtualthree thousand Zhang,not truly million,meaning each other cherish,how shallow edge like hair,bitter Confidante and confidant,edge "to die,can not fathom thebottom,like ignoring the ten finger mark,the edge to edge and separation,wateremptied out there,the rain flower return to dust,incense layer deep house dust,dust heart difficult static flat the word love,the Dreamspell spit spit with the wind shadow,dust precipitation is heavy air silent words,swear words commitment of pearl,is thelone single in heart Chan,eye defecate water from the dust,and the dust son virtualedge,not to the gentleman,return to dust fall Yu Feng Ting,beauty in search of howit is static,love on the heart,virtual edge Chenzi hollow Zen,Italy Italy poem heartsentence even,whether pattern recognition I I,virtual edge dust how could be dustson,also dust dust Road,empty virtual edge Ting email,Xiao Xiaofeng with the red maple,Yu heart on the dust.
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