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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 03:23:37
All children worldwide should be immunized against polio,and every country should seek to achieve and maintain high levels of coverage with polio vaccine.Choice of vaccine As outlined in the figure below,the potential for WPV importation (which in May 2010 was considered to be at least moderate in all countries) and transmission are crucial factors to be considered when defining national policy on polio immunization.OPV alone,including a birth dose (known as zero dose because it does not count towards the primary series),is recommended in all polio-endemic countries and in countries at high risk for importation and subsequent spread.The birth dose should be administered at birth,or as soon as possible after birth,to increase the seroconversion rates of subsequent doses and to induce mucosal protection before enteric pathogens may interfere with the immune response.Also,administering the first dose of OPV at a time when infants are still protected by maternally-derived antibodies may,at least theoretically,prevent VAPP.Even in cases of perinatal HIV infection,early OPV vaccination seems to be well tolerated,and,so far,no additional risk of VAPP has been documented in such children.OPV alone,preferably with a birth dose,is also recommended in all countries with a moderate potential or high potential for WPV transmission,which is reflected by the force of infection.(The force of infection is determined mainly by the level of immunization coverage,sanitation and overall socioeconomic status.) A birth dose of OPV is not considered necessary in countries where the risk of poliovirus transmission is low,even if the potential for importation is high or very high.Where the risk of WPV importation is high or very high,the transmission potential should be reduced to a low level before alternatives to OPV alone may be considered.Using routine immunization coverage with 3 doses of poliovirus vaccine as the main determinant of transmission potential,WHO,based on expert opinion,suggests that in countries with a very high risk of WPV importation,a sequential IPV–OPV schedule should not be introduced unless immunization coverage is approximately 95% or,where there is a lower importation risk,coverage should reach approximately 90%.Where a sequential IPV–OPV schedule is used,the initial administration of 1 or 2 doses of IPV should be followed by ≥2 doses of OPV to ensure both sufficient levels of protection in the intestinal mucosa and a decrease in the burden of VAPP IPV alone may be considered an alternative to OPV alone (or an IPV–OPV sequential schedule) only in countries that have the lowest risk of both WPV importation and WPV transmission.Switching from OPV to IPV for routine vaccination during the pre-eradication era is not cost-effective,as determined on the basis of existing economic analyses and current IPV costs.
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