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英语口语比赛以下是原文 请问在读并且上台的时候应该注意什么 这文章有没有注意事项,禁忌或者应该特别注

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 03:37:02
英语口语比赛以下是原文 请问在读并且上台的时候应该注意什么 这文章有没有注意事项,禁忌或者应该特别注
这篇文章特别简单并且挺短的,要不要读快,口语比赛最重要的是读的速度还是什么 这篇文章应该怎么停顿或者要以什么速度来读
that policeman is waving to you,he wants you to stop
b;where do you think you are on a race track you must have been drving at seventymiles an hour
c :l can't have been
b;l was doing eighty when l overtook you
didn't you see the speed limit?
c;l'm afraid l didn't ,officer.l must have been dreaming.
a;he wasn't dreaming,officer.l was telling him to dirve slowly
c;that's why l didn't see the sign
b;let me see your driving licence.l won't charge you this time .but you'd better not do it again
c;thank you l'll certainly be more careful
a;l told you to drive slowly gary
c;you always tell me to drive slowly,darling
a;well,next time.you'd better take my advice
英语口语比赛以下是原文 请问在读并且上台的时候应该注意什么 这文章有没有注意事项,禁忌或者应该特别注
我觉得口语比赛不是光看谁速度快的,又不是绕口令比赛,应该注意自己的发音,语调,意群,感情.发音就不用说了,要清晰,准确.语调很重要,不然,你讲的就跟怪味儿英语一样了.意群就是,读的要有整有零,比如that policeman is waving to you,应该读成that policeman/ is waving to you,而不是that /policeman is /waving to you之类的,要注意句子的整体意思,灵活断句.感情,就是不要干巴巴的一读到底,要根据全文的色彩语境和人物性格,带有感情的去朗读.当然因为是比赛,表情也是很重要的,不要紧张,