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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 22:34:08
My boyfriend came to China to see me, he was the first time until the time is very short, so that almost all of my friends and I gave him a lot of Sichuan clip featuring food, he is going to see quite puzzled, perhaps flying after a little tired.
One of my Chinese friends told me and handed me a la carte menu, the waiter served several dishes of food, lean beef and lamb meat, mushrooms, some vegetables in Western eyes useless, there are some slippery almost unknown What's flesh, which the United States would not be considered.
I introduced him to mix in a soup dish, one side is to boil the soup, the soup is hot pepper, with particular attention when you eat, and then tell him pick up the dishes, put the soup rinse it, eat when dipped in different spices.
Soon we'll just keep eating up each other what they think is best to eat a folder, and came to a stop in the middle chat, but my boyfriend's plate empty, he picked up a one to see them again back into the pot.
"What do you want?" I asked.
He looked confused, "how do I know that I go into, which is to go into someone else?"
I realized he was serious, we stopped laughing.
I saw her boyfriend chopsticks have been hanging in the air, he chewed up very slowly, try to smile politely, but everything looked hesitant.
"Now, the question is," I asked, "Have you ever used the chopsticks?"
"No, I do not like to eat them."
Even though he has a smile, and I could see he mused, although noisy environment, I can still hear the voice put him to eat, I suddenly remembered the first taste of Chinese food scene.
"It's not like Manhattan's Chinatown, try to take care of the tastes of the West." I explained to him, "This is the real Chinese people eat Chinese food."
英语翻译我男朋友来中国看我,他是第一次来,待的时间很短暂,这样,我和几乎我所有朋友都给他夹很多的四川特色的食物,他看是去 男朋友问我能把我的第一次给他吗? 英语翻译他是一个善良的男孩,他总是给予我很多帮助,无论这么样都不会觉得厌烦,他说他喜欢中国的女孩,还有很多的中国朋友在I 英语翻译在指导他竞赛的这段时间里面我几乎每天都要和他接触,我发现他的学术能力是相当的惊人,例如很多技术问题都是他解决的. 为什么你还要来伤害我我和他分手了,分手后的几天,我很伤心,几乎每天都以泪洗面,就这样一个星期过去了,我也慢慢从悲伤中恢复 动手打女人的男人昨天和男朋友吵架了,后来他还当着几个朋友的面打了我,我很伤心.事后他来向我道了歉,也来接我回去.我想原谅 我要给他10年的时间来证明他对我的爱! 求英语作文,一位美国朋友要来中国工作,我要介绍我给他找的房子,有... 英语翻译第一次来韩国时有很多不习惯,饮食习惯和中国有很多不同,我不习惯吃辣的食物,但是韩国的食物大部分都是辣的.最大的障 自己现在的男朋友想看我以前的日记本我该给他吗? 我和男朋友在一起半年了,我很爱他,但是我不知道他是怎样想,很没有安全感,我知道在我之前他的喜欢的女生现在还在和他联系,他 英语作文翻译:我有一个叫王明的朋友,他是5年前和父母一起从乡下来长春的,他是家中的长子,他有两个弟弟,我认识他3年了,我