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英语翻译CONCLUSIOANNSD DISCUSSIONa) An organized procedure to co

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:48:00
a) An organized procedure to control and lower short circuit currents in an electric power system is presented.A study case is chosen for a large metropolitan area.First,a criterion is applied to filter out those buses than merit a detailed analysis; then local solutions are tried and chosen,and its local impact is evaluated.Finally,an assessment of all solutions in place is studied for the whole power system.These results are used to establish the chronological need of the proposed solutions in the ten-year span as well as their physical location.It is recommended to check this plan continuously every year with new base cases for the following ten years.
b) Feasibility of the proposed solutions should be justified with a thorough analysis of power system performance.It is important to remember that solutions to limit fault current normally work against voltage stability,and this becomes a relevant issue to examine.
c) It is inevitable to reflect on solutions to limit fault currents in power systems in the long range,if short circuit currents continue increasing as expected,a truly FCL for transmission systems is not available,and high interruptive capacity breakers are not cost effective.Will utilities be forced to gradually separate the system and pay the price for reliability and flexibility?
One way of estimating an initial value for the reactance of the CLI and of knowing how different inductive reactance magnitudes perform in a particular bus or line is to plot these values against the fault current at a particular bus.This is shown in Fig.5.In this case inductive reactance magnitude is varied from 0.1 to 106.0 ohms (x-axis) with the calculated fault current shown in the y-axis.As can he observed from the figure,with a value beyond 10 ohms the reduction in fault current is very small,but the increase in ohms results in a more expensive inductor.
英语翻译CONCLUSIOANNSD DISCUSSIONa) An organized procedure to co
a) An organized procedure to control and lower short circuit currents in an electric power system is presented. A study case is chosen for a large metropolitan area. First, a criterion is applied to filter out those buses than merit a detailed analysis; then local solutions are tried and chosen, and its local impact is evaluated. Finally, an assessment of all solutions in place is studied for the whole power system. These results are used to establish the chronological need of the proposed solutions in the ten-year span as well as their physical location. It is recommended to check this plan continuously every year with new base cases for the following ten years.
a) 介绍了一种在电力系统中控制和降低短流电流的有组织的程序.选择的案例是一个大的都市地区.首先,采用一个准则来筛选那些母线而不是应做详细的分析;然后对局部的解决方案做了试验和选择,其局部的影响则做了评价.最后,对所有合适的解决方案在整个电力系统情况下做了评估研究.这些结果被用来确定在10年跨度内对所提解决方案按年度的需要,以及它们的物理位置.我们推荐每年不断用针对今后十年的新的基础情况检查这一计划
b) Feasibility of the proposed solutions should be justified with a thorough analysis of power system performance. It is important to remember that solutions to limit fault current normally work against voltage stability, and this becomes a relevant issue to examine.
b) 所提出的解决方案的可行性应该用对于电力系统的透彻分析来判断合理性.必须记住,限制故障电流的解决方案通常对电压稳定性起作用,而且这成为了一个要研究的相关问题.
c) It is inevitable to reflect on solutions to limit fault currents in power systems in the long range, if short circuit currents continue increasing as expected, a truly FCL for transmission systems is not available, and high interruptive capacity breakers are not cost effective. Will utilities be forced to gradually separate the system and pay the price for reliability and flexibility?
c) 如果短路电流如预料的那样继续增加,那么它不可避免的要反映在长距离范围电力系统中限制故障电流的解决方案上,用于输电系统的真实故障限流器(FCL)还不能获得,而高中断能力断路器则成本效率不高.公用事业公司将被迫逐步分割系统,并为可靠性及灵活性支付价钱吗?
One way of estimating an initial value for the reactance of the CLI and of knowing how different inductive reactance magnitudes perform in a particular bus or line is to plot these values against the fault current at a particular bus.
This is shown in Fig. 5. In this case inductive reactance magnitude is varied from 0.1 to 106.0 ohms (x-axis) with the calculated fault current shown in the y-axis. As can he observed from the figure, with a value beyond 10 ohms the reduction in fault current is very small, but the increase in ohms results in a more expensive inductor.
这被示于图5中.在这种情况中,感抗的幅值随着y轴所示的计算故障电流从0.1变到106.0 ohms(x轴).如从图中可看到的那样,在值超过10 ohms时,故障电流的降低很小,但是ohms的增加将导致更昂贵的电感器.