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看不同这句话里“of what"的用法,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:33:20
看不同这句话里“of what"的用法,
Mr.Putin's statement just a few days ago that the greatest tragedy of the 20th century is the disintegration of the Soviet Union is indicative of the distorted view of the former KGB colonel,of what,in fact,the 20th century represented in global history.从"of what"开始就看不懂了,完全不知道之后这句话说的是啥意思
看不同这句话里“of what
Mr.Putin表示,对于前几天人们所说的20世纪最大的悲剧是苏联的解体这件事,是克格勃前任上校扭曲人们观点的表现,事实上,他们是苏联在20世纪世界历史中的代表.so what引导主语从句,句子中省略了主语和宾语,so what(the former KGB Colonel are),
再问: �������ȥ����in fact"����ʵ���ǡ�of what the 20th century represented in global history." "what"��Ȼ��represented�ı���Ҹ㲻��ľ��������what��ָ��ľ�����ʲô