作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译Any notice consent,request or the like required to be gi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 20:34:36
Any notice consent,request or the like required to be given to any Party in connection with this Agreement shall be written and shall be sufficiently served if sent by registered post,telefax,email,telex or telegram to the address above given of the Party to whom it is sent or to its registered office for the time being or to its last known place of business or to such other address as one Party may subsequently notify to the other Parties and such notice,consent,request or the like shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought in the ordinary course of transmission to have been delivered at the address to which it was sent.
英语翻译Any notice consent,request or the like required to be gi
任何注意事项、一致性意见、请求或者类似的要求等,应以书面的形式给予任何与本协议相关联的签约方,而且如果(某签约方)用挂号邮件、传真、电子邮件、电传或电报的形式发出的各类需求等 至其他签约方给出的上述地址、 或其他签约方 向某签约方目前持续向其他签约方发出信息的注册办公室或者最近所知的商务办公地点 发过来的各类需求等均应视为有效;同时,这样的注意事项、一致性意见、请求或类似的需要等 应被视为已按通常的传递程序适时给出 且已按其应该被发送到的正确地址递交送达.

