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英语翻译14.Product Shipment Errors(a)SELLER shall be responsible

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 09:22:16
14.Product Shipment Errors
(a)SELLER shall be responsible for any and all costs incurred through the receipt,inspection,and return of any Product that is deemed to be a shipment error (product received cannot be reconciled to a BUYERS Purchase Order).
15.Packing List Requirements
SELLER shall provide the information described in Exhibit B on every packing slip shipped to an BUYER’s designated location.
16.Notices:Any notice required or authorized to be given by either Party under this Agreement to the other Party shall be in writing,shall be sent by certified mail,return receipt requested,postage prepaid or commercial overnight delivery service providing proof of delivery to the other Party at the address stated at the beginning of this Agreement.
Any such notice shall operate and be deemed given upon receipt or refusal to accept delivery.
17 Law and Venue.The terms and conditions shall be governed by,and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
18.Assignment.The rights and liabilities of the parties under this Agreement shall be binding upon,and inure to the benefit of,the parties hereto and their respective heirs,successors and permitted assigns; provided,however,that this Agreement and the rights and obligations hereunder,either in whole or in part,whether by operation of law or otherwise,are not assignable by SELLER without BUYER's prior written consent.Any attempted assignment or delegation without BUYER's prior written consent will be void.BUYER may,in BUYER's sole discretion,assign this Agreement or any rights granted herein,in whole or in part,to a subsidiary or affiliate,or to a third party through merger,acquisition or purchase of all or substantially all of the its assets.
19.Relationship of Parties.SELLER’s relationship with BUYER is that of an independent contractor,and nothing in this Agreement is intended to,or should be construed to create a partnership,agency,joint venture or employment relationship
20.Severability.If any provision herein shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason,such provisions shall,to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability,be of no force or effect,but without in any way affecting the remainder of such provision or any other provision contained herein,all of which shall continue in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date last written below.
英语翻译14.Product Shipment Errors(a)SELLER shall be responsible
14 产品装运错误
(一)卖方应负责的任何和所有费用,通过接收,检查,并返回的任何产品,被视为装运错误(收到的产品不能符合买家采购的订单) .
15 包装清单要求
16 声明:任何通知的规定或授权而得到的任何一方根据本协定的其他缔约方应采用书面形式的,应发出的挂号信,要求回执邮资已付或商业隔夜送货服务提供的证据提供给其他党的地址在本月初协定.
17 法和地点.的条款和条件应受,并解释和执行的法律规定的马萨诸塞州.
18 转让.的权利和法律责任的各方根据本协定应具有约束力,并完全符合的利益,对双方及各自的继承人,继承人和允许的受让人;但是,本协议的权利和义务人,或者全部或部分,无论是通过法律的运作或其他方式,是不可转让卖方未经买方事先书面同意.任何企图转让或代表团未经买方事先书面同意的将是无效的.买家可能在买方的自行转让本协议或任何权利授予的,全部或部分,以附属公司或分支机构,或给第三方,通过兼并,收购或购买的全部或几乎全部的资产.
19 缔约方之间的关系.卖方与买方的关系是一个独立的承包商,以及本协议中的任何打算,还是应该被理解为建立伙伴关系,代理,合资或雇佣关系
20 但书条款 .如果任一条款,应被视为无效或无法以任何理由,这种规定的范围内,这种无效或不可执行,是没有实行的效力,但没有以任何方式影响其余的此类条款或任何其他本文所载的规定,所有这一切都将继续完全生效.