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英语翻译写好了给加分哦,过段时间还会有CLANNAD AFTER的介绍求各位大神帮忙.这是在推广CLANNAD,希望讲出

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 07:26:14
写好了给加分哦,过段时间还会有CLANNAD AFTER的介绍求各位大神帮忙.
英语翻译写好了给加分哦,过段时间还会有CLANNAD AFTER的介绍求各位大神帮忙.这是在推广CLANNAD,希望讲出
Clannad is about a high school delinquent (your character),Okazaki Tomoya.There are many characters and unlike regular dating sims,your friends,and other people close to you as well,have their routes which help you understand the story better..Each route has a different kind of story.Of course,the stories aren’t limited to only dating girls and boyfriend-girlfriend relationships but there are also story revolving around friendship,education and most important of all,family.
The whole story of Clannad was said to focus on family.Thus,much time is required to finish the game with a good/satisfying ending/s.At the beginning of the school year,Tomoya meets Nagisa Furukawa,a soft-spoken girl.Her goal is to join the drama club which she was unable to do due to her sickness,but they find that the drama club was disbanded after all the members graduated.Tomoya decides to help Nagisa in reforming the drama club.During this period,Tomoya meets and hangs out with several other girls who he gets to know well and help with their individual problems.
再问: 能再长一点吗? 谢谢!
再答: Okazaki Tomoya: Tomoya is the male protagonist. He has been labeled a delinquent due to his habit of arriving late to school and skipping cl***es. He lives alone with his father whom he argues with constantly. While on his way to school, he met Nagisa. 冈崎朋也:朋也是男主角。因为习惯于迟到,旷课,他被贴上了不良学生的标签。他和父亲生活在一个单 亲家庭中,父子之间经常吵架。在一次上学的路上,他遇见了渚。 Furukawa Nagisa: Nagisa is the main heroine of Clannad. She had an illness that lasted nine months that led to her repetition of her third year. She doesn’t have much self confidence and is often in need of being motivated by others, mostly Tomoya. 古河渚:渚是Clannad的第一女主角。她之前九个月一直在生病,不得不再读一次高三。由于缺乏自信, 她很多事情都需要别人来推动——大多数是朋也 Fujibayashi Kyou: Kyou was one of Tomoya’s cl***mates during second year and has maintained a steady friendship with Tomoya even though they are put in different cl***es on their third year. She is known to be a bit bad-mouthed and aggressive but is also a good cook. She likes to throw different dictionaries at someone she’s furious with. You can say she’s a bit tsundere. 藤林杏:杏是朋也在二年级时候的同班同学,尽管在三年级被分在不同的班里,他们仍然保持了稳固的朋 友关系。她以强力吐槽和作风强势而闻名,不过料理水平很棒。她在暴怒时喜欢对目标投掷各种字典,称 得上是傲娇属性。 Ichinose Kotomi: One of my personal favorite characters. Kotomi is another schoolmate of Tomoya’s in the same year. She is in the top ten for every subject throughout the whole country in standardized exam results—she always goes to li***ry to read extra materials, especially books in foreign languages. She is quiet and quite difficult to communicate with. 一之濑琴美:我个人最喜欢的角色之一。琴美是朋也的另一位同年级的同学,在全国联考中各科都名列前 十。她总是去图书馆阅读课外书,特别是外语书籍。她性格内向,不擅与人交往。