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谁读过Paradise Lost?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 16:18:32
谁读过Paradise Lost?
1.Analyze the first sentence of the poem.Which noun is the subject of the first sentence?
2.What does the speaker claim to do at the beginning of this long epic?
3.How is Satan first presented to the reader?
4.Do you think Satan a heroic figure?State your reasons.
5.Under Satan,there are twelve generals of the rebel army.Who are they?Do you think they are heroic or not
6.What do the devils do in hell?List three different things.
7.What is the name of Satan’s grand hall in hell?
Read Book IX of Milton’s Paradise Lost,and then answer the following questions:
1.Why does Milton claim that the tragic story of the Fall of Man is more worthy to be told than The Iliad and The Aeneid?
2.Who is Milton’s “celestial patroness”?Why does she visit him by night?
3.Why does Satan choose serpent to be his best guise?
4.Paraphrase Satan’s following speech:“Nor hope to be myself less miserable
By what I seek,but others to make such
As I,though thereby worse to me redound.” (126-128)
5.Why does Eve suggest to Adam that morning that they should work apart?
6.Why does Satan choose to tempt Eve,instead of Adam?
7.What argument does Satan use in persuading Eve to taste the forbidden fruit?
8.How does Eve rationalize her own action when she reaches for the fruit?
9.Why does Adam choose to taste the forbidden fruit after Eve,though he knows the dire consequence of his decision?
10.In what ways is Milton’s epic similar to or different from those of his predecessors?
谁读过Paradise Lost?
Paradise Lost 就是弥尔顿的《失乐园》,主要讲得就是撒旦原本是上帝创造的最美的天使,但是堕落了,率领一些有反抗之心的天使攻打天堂,但是攻击失败了,至此就作为蛊惑人心的魔鬼,呆在黑暗的地底.上帝造出亚当和夏娃,让他们生活在伊甸园里,一直很幸福.上帝告诉他们乐园里只有两棵树上的果实是不能吃的,吃了就会中毒而死.但是撒旦化身成蛇,用言语迷惑了夏娃,让她吃下了智慧树的果子,并拿了一颗给亚当也吃下了.吃了果实后两人的眼睛被打开了,拥有了和上帝一样的智慧,看到自己赤身裸体,觉得羞耻.当上帝某日在园中散步时,两人因为害羞所以藏身于树丛中,上帝询问过两人后发现他们吃了禁果,大为生气,决定将两人驱逐出伊甸园,并承担惩罚:夏娃会受到生孩子的痛楚,亚当需要辛苦劳作养活家人,子孙也一直如此.于是两人被天使送到人间,告别了无忧无虑的生活.这就是著名的失乐园的故事,从中衍生出“原罪”的概念.