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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 03:34:23
i lie awake beside the windowsill, 我靠在窗边, like a flower in a vase, 像放进瓶中的干百合, a moment caught in glass. 隔着玻璃看时间流转. the rays of sunlight come and beckon me, 透进来的阳光洒在身上, to a sleepy damy haze, 还有那叫人入谁的薄霭, a sense of summer days. 懒洋洋的是夏日午后的时光. if only i could stop the flow of time, 如果我能另这岁月停止, turn the clock to yesterday, 将时间的钟拨回昨日, erasing all the pain. 是不是这样伤痛就会消失不见? i've only memories of happiness, 我只愿留下幸福的记忆 such pleasu we have shad, 一遍遍回想在一起的时光. i'd do it all again. 我想让它重来 This scenery is evergen, 那时的景色永远不变, as buds turn into leaves, 看枝上有绿叶一点点绽放着, the colours live and bathe, 光与影变换摇荡 This scenery is evergen, 记忆中那些景色不变 your tears are falling silently. 正如我记得你沉默的泪水滑下脸庞 so full of joy, you are a cld of spring, 你这属于春天的孩子啊, with a beauty that is pure, 是那样无暇美丽, an innocence that endures. 你的纯洁天真可以将一切包容 you flow right through me like a medicine, 你的触摸是天使的治愈之手 bringing quiet to my soul, 抚慰灵魂陷入沉睡 without you i'm not whole. 没有你的人生从不完整 This scenery is evergreen 记忆中的这些风景永不改变 I need you far too much, I long to feel your touch 我是那么的需要你,只为等待你的爱怜 This scenery is evergreen 记忆中的这些风景永不改变 You've always been so dear to me 你一直都是我最亲爱的人 This scenery is evergreen 记忆中的这些风景永不改变 It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad 虽然在你的悲伤中它也曾变得黯淡. This scenery is evergreen 记忆中的这些风景永不改变 I wish that I could dry your tears 那时候为什么我没有拭去你的眼泪. The bells have rung, the time has come 钟声响起,终究来临的时刻 I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye 无法言语的再见来形容我的最后告别 This scenery is evergreen 记忆中的这些景色永不改变, You've always been so dear to me 让我可以一直记得你温柔无限.