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英语翻译关键词:差别财务报告 必要性 表现形式所谓差别财务报告,是指财务报告的提供者,根据不同的财务报告使用者的不同要求

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 21:23:49
关键词:差别财务报告 必要性 表现形式
英语翻译关键词:差别财务报告 必要性 表现形式所谓差别财务报告,是指财务报告的提供者,根据不同的财务报告使用者的不同要求
是:The so-called difference between financial report,refers to the provision of financial reports,according to different users of financial reports to the different requirements of a choice to focus on the release of certain users or groups the information they need,to satisfy the financial reporting the needs of different users in order to enhance the relevance of financial reporting and usefulness.Judging from China's current economic environment analysis,the main users of accounting information,including investors,creditors,government workers groups and individuals,as well as other related party interests.They are enterprises with a direct or indirect interest,the use of accounting information.However,different accounting information for users of accounting information needs,and the differences are objective,and not for some of the factors which have or disappeared and the solution.Therefore,to meet the information needs of different users of the simplest or most direct method is the provision of different financial reports.This paper first expounded on the concept of differences between financial reporting,better able to meet the different needs of the users of information,enhance the relevance of accounting information and useful,reducing accounting information between users,as well as accounting information providers and users Several aspects of the conflict between the different financial report demonstrated the need.Differences in the preparation and adoption of the need for financial reporting,internal and external financial reporting and financial reporting differences,internal financial reports because of the different users there are some differences,different information users external financial reporting needs of the three different ,the full proof of the difference between financial reporting form and the main cause.And the implementation of different financial reports on several issues need further analysis
英语翻译关键词:差别财务报告 必要性 表现形式所谓差别财务报告,是指财务报告的提供者,根据不同的财务报告使用者的不同要求 未经审计的财务报告 英语怎么说? 英语翻译:通常所说的审计师(auditor),是审计财务报告还是审计所得税的? 英语翻译是财务报告中出现的.member's loans-related party 关于会计信息的判断题会计信息应有助于财务报告使用者,对企业过去、现在或者未来的情况进行评价,这体现了可比性的要求.这句话 英语翻译【摘要】通过对会计披露发展历程的回顾,阐述了知识经济时代对财务报告的新需求,包括对信息能满足不同群体、时效性、可 英语翻译传统财务报告以资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表为核心,其反映的财务信息已凸显不足以最大程度满足信息使用者的需要,知 英语翻译企业财务工作分析报告(也指财务报表分析),是企业(公司)年度、半年度财务报告期内生产经营的基本情况、财务状况与经 怎么根据财务报告计算成本费用利润率 英语翻译内部控制;信息披露;财务报告质 15.依据企业会计准则的规定,下列有关中期财务报告的表述中,正确的有( ).A.中期财务报告应当采用与 内部控制审计的对象是 A.特定基准日财务报告内部控制设计与运行的有效性 B.整个期间财务报告内部控制设计与运行的有效性