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英语翻译这首题为《Encounter》的诗写于他出生的城市.诗中有着一个长长的时间跨越.那只“red wing”是在隐喻

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 19:22:49
这首题为《Encounter》的诗写于他出生的城市.诗中有着一个长长的时间跨越.那只“red wing”是在隐喻着黎明(dawn)还是“我们”的马车(wagon)?但翅膀无疑与飞驰和时间密切相关.田野、野兔hare和手的指点不过是最为普通的生活细节,哪怕被称为“偶遇”,却无形中被赋予了寓意.它们构成了过去的一切.在这里,时间由一连串的动作和事件构成.这些微不足道的动作和事件一旦被具有了时间的意义,它们的出现和消失就不再是孤立的了,而由此引发出一连串情绪和思索也就变得合乎情理.米沃什感到惶惑,是因为时间永恒,无始无终,而它带来的事物却不能长久地延续下去.源于这种时间带来变化的“惶惑”,其震撼力远远超出了悲伤,因为它展示了一种未来的不确定性.
英语翻译这首题为《Encounter》的诗写于他出生的城市.诗中有着一个长长的时间跨越.那只“red wing”是在隐喻
This is the first,entitled "Encounter" poems written in his birth city.Poetry has a long time and bounds.That "red wing" in the metaphor of the dawn (dawn) or "we" of the carriage (wagon)?However,with the wings is no doubt closely related to speeding and time.Fields,hare hare and the pointing hand is the most ordinary details of life,even if it was known as the "occasional",but virtually been given meaning.They constitute all of the past.Here,from a series of actions and events that constitute.These small gestures and events with time once the significance of their emergence and disappearance is no longer isolated,and thus give rise to a series of emotional and logical thinking becomes.Milosz was apprehensive because of the eternal time,without beginning without end,and it can not be brought about by long things last forever.Due to the changes brought about by this time the "fear",its power far beyond the sadness,because it demonstrates the uncertainty of a future.