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英语翻译Not all the credits can be described here,but the three

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:46:03
Not all the credits can be described here,but the three examples that follow arerepresentative of the areas addressed:
Site selection credit.Requires that buildings,roads,and parkingareas are not developed on portions of sites that meet any one of the followingcriteria:prime farmland,as defined by the U.S.Department of Agriculture;land whose elevation is lower than 5 feet above the 100-year flood elevation,as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); land that isspecifically identified as habitat for any species on federal or statethreatened or endangered lists; land that is within 100 feet of any water,including wetlands; and land that prior to acquisition for the project waspublic parkland,unless land of equal or greater value as parkland is acceptedin trade by the public landowner.
Development density credit.Isintended to direct development to areas with existing infrastructure,protectgreenfields,and preserve habitat and natu­ral resources.It requires thatdevelopments increase localized density to conform to existing or desireddensity goals by using sites located within an existing minimum developmentdensity of 60,000 square feet per acre.
主要问下第一行第四个词credit 在上下文里该怎么翻译 下面两段段首也有这个关键词 场地选择xx 发展密度xx
补充第一句话的那段The sustainable sites category has a total of 14 possi­ble points.Of the six LEED categories,this category has perhaps the most significant planning implica­tions.The points that can be awarded support infill development,brownfieldsredevelopment,historic preservation,transit-oriented development,land con­servation,and biodiversity protection,among other goals.下面接Not all the。:LEED是LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN
英语翻译Not all the credits can be described here,but the three
Recognition or approval for an act,ability,or quality