作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:39:27
1) What will you study in the United States?
2) What is your major?In what aspect of your major will you study?
3) What will you do in USA?
4) Are you going to study in USA?
5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?
6) What/where are you studying now?
7) How long will you study in USA?
8) Have you any scholarship?
9) What do you want to study in USA?
10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?
11) What is your purpose for the visa?
12) What is your academic background?
13) How do you know this Univ.
14) What is your plan?What will you do after graduation?
15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
17) Why do you choose this Univ.
18) Why do you like your major?
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?
21) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.
22) What is the difficult class do you have?
23) Do you want your wife to go with you?
24) Why do you change your major?
25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
1) What will you study in the United States?你将在美国学习什么?
2) What is your major?In what aspect of your major will you study?你的专业是什么?具体是什么方面的内容?
3) What will you do in USA?你打算在美国做什么?
4) Are you going to study in USA?你是打算在美国学习吗?
5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?你在什么时间/什么地方获得的你的学士学位/硕士学位?
6) What/where are you studying now?你目前在什么地方学习什么课程?
7) How long will you study in USA?你预计在美国停留多久?
8) Have you any scholarship?你有奖学金吗?
9) What do you want to study in USA?你想在美国学习什么?
10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?如果你获得学士/硕士/博士学位,你有什么样的工作打算?
11) What is your purpose for the visa?你获得签证的目的是什么?
12) What is your academic background?你的教育经历(学术背景)是怎样的?
13) How do you know this Univ.你是如果获知该所大学的?
14) What is your plan?What will you do after graduation?你有怎样的计划?你毕业之后打算做什么?
15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?请告诉我你一定会返回中国的三个理由.
16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?你能解释一下为什么90%的中国留学生学成之后没有回来吗?
17) Why do you choose this Univ.你为什么选择这所大学?
18) Why do you like your major?你为什么喜欢你的专业?
19) Why do you want to study in USA?你为什么想去美国留学?
20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?你为什么想继续攻读博士学位?
21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.你为什么可以在这所大学获得财政资助?
22) What is the difficult class do you have?你所认为的最难科目是什么?
23) Do you want your wife to go with you?你打算要妻子陪同您前往美国吗?
24) Why do you change your major?你为什么打算改变专业?
25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?你目前专业和即将在美国就读的专业的区别是什么?