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求英语大神把下面这段话翻译成通顺的英文, 谢谢

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求英语大神把下面这段话翻译成通顺的英文, 谢谢
1829年,比利时著名物理学家普拉多发现 “视象暂留原理”。
1832年普拉多根据此原理于发明了“诡盘”。 “诡盘”的出现,标志着电影的发明进入到了科学实验阶段。
1888年,法国人雷诺试制了 “光学影戏机”,用此机拍摄了世界上第一部动画片《一杯可口的啤酒》。
1894年,美国发明大王爱迪生在发明了电影留影机/电影视镜。他的电影视镜是利用胶片的连续转动,造成活动的幻觉,可以说最原始的电影发明应该是属爱迪生的。他的电影视镜传到我国后被称之为 “西洋镜”
1895年,卢米埃尔兄弟,研制了 “活动电影机”它有摄影、放映和洗印等三种主要功能。他们是第一个利用银幕进行投射式放映电影的人。因此,1895年12月28日世界电影首次公映之日即定为电影诞生之时,卢米埃尔兄弟自然当之无愧地成为 “电影之父”。
求英语大神把下面这段话翻译成通顺的英文, 谢谢
1829, the Belgian physicist Prado discovery "as the persistence principle". In 1832 the Prado according to this principle to the invention of the "tricky tray". The "tricky tray", the film marks the invention into the scientific experiment stage. In 1834, American Horner "activities and optic disc" successful test in 1853, Feng Wu of Austria is ladder Oswald generals in the invention the basis of above, the slide show, show the original cartoon. In 1826, W in France, Epps successfully made the world's first photo "the scene", from 1872 to 1878, American San Francisco photographer Edward Mun Buri with 24 camera shooting decomposition action stories Feiteng gallop, after numerous experiments for more than six years finally succeeded, he then in the slide show success. That is to see the horse running in 1882 on the screen, the French physiologist Marlay improved method for photography, successfully trial produced the "photographic gun", create "activities for the camera, film" in 1888 September, he put the floppy disk film shoot photos to the French Academy of sciences. In 1888, the French Renault trial "optical movie machine", with this camera in the world the first animated film "a nice cup of beer". In 1894, USA invention in King Edison invented the movie / film mirror. His film is continuously rotating mirror with film, causing the illusion of the activity, can say the most original film should belong to Edison's invention. His film mirror to China is called "peep show" in 1895, re brothers, developed the "moving" and it has three main functions of photography, showing and printing etc.. They are the first to use screen for projection type movie people. Therefore, for the film the birth of December 28, 1895 world film first day of release that, Lumiere brothers natural fully deserve to become "the father of the movie". America movie circles of the people, they will speak with said: "is the invention of Edison film." The French, they would say: "is the lumiere!" So who is the movie true inventor? Answer: the two man is!