作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 20:00:19
很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!
1.He left when I got there.和 He left when I had got there这2句话的意思有什么区别?
2.I learned English for 10 years. ,I have learned English for 10 years.和I have been learning English for 10 years.这3句话的意思有什么区别?
3.If only I would have known the facts .与If only I had known the facts这2句话有什么区别?
4.If only he were to explain(或shoud explain) what he means.这句话对不对,为什么?
5.He talks about Rome as if he would have been there.这句话对不对,为什么?
很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!
He left when I got there.和 He left when I had got there这2句话 都是错句 应该是He had left when I got there

2.I learned English for 10 years. ,I  have learned English for 10 years.和I have been learning English for 10 years.这3句话的意思 1 叙述过去的事情 与现在无关 我学过十年英语2我学英语已经十年了3 十年来我一直在学英语

3.If only I would have known the facts .与If only I had known the facts这2句话 前者是错句 要是我当时知道真相就好了.表示与过去情况相反.
4.If only he were to explain(或should explain) what he means.这句话 缺主句  但也可能是主句省略 了  .所以 语法 并不错 .与将来情况可能相反.
5.He talks about Rome as if he would have been there.这句话不对,应该是 as if he had  been there 这是虚拟语气 表示与实际情况相反.
再问: 3.ǰ��Ϊʲô�����أ����ȥ�෴������would have done��had done�� 4.��仰Ϊʲôȱ�����أ�����أ�if only he would explain what he means 5.�������ȥ�෴Ϊʲô��������as if he would have done����Ҫ��as if he had done�أ�
再答: 3.���ȥ�෴ ������would have done ������������had done If only I had known the facts����ʡ������ �� ���ȥ �෴ ������ ������ Ӧ���ù�ȥ���ʱ ������ ��ȥ�������ʱ 4.if only he would explain what he means��Ҳ�� �뽫������������෴�� ���������� ʡ�������� ��˼�� ��Ҫ��Ը����� ��ʲô��˼ �ͺ��ˡ� Ҳ���� ��Ը����� �����˼��5.�������ȥ�෴��������as if he would have done��Ϊ ���ǹ�ȥ�������ʱ�����߼����� ��ֻ����as if he had done
再问: 1.If only�������������䣬��if only he would explain what he means����ô����would have done����as if���Ϊʲô���������أ� 2.��������ǣ��е����������������ʹ�õ�would+ have done/ do���е�ȴֻ���ôӾ�ʹ�õ�had done��did��Ҫ��ô�ֱ棿
再答: if only he would explain what he means���õ��� would do ���� would have done ���� ��ʾ �뽫�� ����������෴ �� �������� ����������෴would����̬���� as if��ĴӾ� ���� �� would do��did ��had done�������� would have done
再问: Ϊʲô������would do�������would have done�� ����ǰ��2������ 1.��2�仰Ϊʲô�����أ���������ôһ�仰when i got home ��the children went to bed�� 2.��1�䣬2���3����10���ѧ��2��ѧ��10����3��һֱѧ��10����ʲô���
再答: �Ӿ��п�����would do ��ʾ �뽫�������෴ ���������� ��would have done�ڴӾ������������ û�� �������Ҫ ���� �Ӿ��� ������ would have done��ʾ��������1.��2�仰Ϊʲô���� ��Ϊ����� �߼� ������һ�仰when i got home ��the children went to bed��Ҳ��������ľ��� ��Ϊ when i got home��ʱ��� ��ʱ��Ŀ̶� ����ʱ��ij��� ���� Ӧ���� ��ȥ����ʱ �� ��ȥ���ʱ ���ȥ����ʱ һ�㲻���� һ���ȥʱ̬ 2.��1�䣬ֻ������һ����ʵ ��ȥѧ��10�� ������û��ϵ ���ڿ��ܲ�ѧ�� Ҳ���� ��ѧ�� 2��ѧ��10�� ǿ������ �ӿ�ʼѧ ������ �Ѿ�ʮ�� ���ڻ���ѧϰ��״̬ 3����2������ ���� ǿ�������IJ���� һֱѧ��10�� Ҳ�� ���� ����ѧ
再问: 2���3�䣬10���Ժ�ѧ��
再答: 2���3�䣬����10���Ժ�ѧ ���� �Ѿ�ѧʮ���� ���ڻ���ѧ
再问: �Ǵ��������ѧ��
再答: ˵��ʱ ���� ѧ ��״̬ Ҳ����ָ�� ˵��ʱ ���ֽ׶� ����ѧ �뽫���޹�