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Well,as you say,Redlon has been supplying us for years but,q

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 10:56:58
Well,as you say,Redlon has been supplying us for years but,quite honestly,two-thirds of the complaints we receive about our products are actually due to faults in components we've had from Redlon.So I talked to the Production Manager and he agreed that I should look at some alternatives.Future World's range is fine for us,and one of their customers who I spoke to recommended them highly,so that's why we've changed to using them.
Well,as you say,Redlon has been supplying us for years but,q
嗯,正如你所说,Redlon为我们提供产品多年,但是老实说,我们产品收到的2/3投诉是因Reldon产品的问题而引起,所以我同产品经理进行了商讨,他同意我考虑其他一些替代厂家,Future world产品覆盖范围正好适合我们,他们其中一个客户也高度我向我推荐他们,所以这是我们为什么用future world产品的原因.