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这里为什么说‘Tell me about it!‘ 到底啥意思?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 23:37:22
这里为什么说‘Tell me about it!‘ 到底啥意思?
今天在腾讯教育网上看到以下一段对话:两个同事在离开办公室的时候互相交谈:Tracy:Hey Lily!How's it going?(greet) Lily:Good.Just headed to meet my husband at the movies.(respond) Tracy:Oh really?(follow-up) What are you going to see?(initiate) Lily:Hopefully Lord of the Rings,if it's not sold out.(respond) Tracy:Oh yeah,the theater can get really busy on Friday night.Good luck!(follow-up) Lily:Tell me about it!See you Monday.(respond) 最后一句为什么是 'Tell me about it!‘ 感觉风马牛不相及,为什么?
这里为什么说‘Tell me about it!‘ 到底啥意思?
除了'tell me about it!‘ 有这种与表面文字意思相差较大的用途外,还有‘What else is new?’也挺有趣,表面意思是‘还有什么新的吗?’:举个例子:A:Hey, do you know the new governor is going to cut the funding for education?嘿,你听说了吗?新州长要削减教育经费呢!B: What else is new? We all know he represents big businesses. Education is not his top priority.那有什么稀奇的?我们早就知道他一向代表大公司的利益,教育不是他最关心的事.在这里,What else is new表示,这种结局是预料之中的事,不算什么新闻.所以,根据上下文,也可译为“这算不上什么新闻”.再比如:A:Yesterday my daughter gave me a gift wish list for her 15th birthday. Among other things she asks for a lap-top computer!昨天,我女儿给我开了一个单子,列举了她15岁生日想要的礼物.其中竟然有一台便携式电脑!B: What else is new? At least she hasn't asked for a car. Wait till next year!那有什么稀奇的?她至少没让你送她一辆车.明年你等着瞧吧! 查看原帖>>