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英语选词填空Translate benefit imagine provide grow up discourage e

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 18:21:48
Translate benefit imagine provide grow up discourage employ devote drop out of such as
1.\x05We’ve planted lots of different flowers,__________roses,carnations,and tulips.
2.\x05I leave a light on when I’m out to__________burglars from breaking in.
3.\x05As we all know,we will________from daily exercises.
4.\x05What do you want to be when you are____________?
5.\x05He has_______________politics because of tiredness.
6.\x05The new contract will enable us to__________about 50 extra people.
7.\x05I don’t speak Greek so Diana offered to______________for me.
8.\x05The hospital has a commitment to__________the best possible medical care.
9.\x05Can you__________what it will be like to lose your job after 20 years?
10.\x05I don’t think we should___________any more time to this question.
英语选词填空Translate benefit imagine provide grow up discourage e
1.such as 我们种了各种不同的花,如玫瑰、康乃馨和郁金香.
2.discourage 我外出时把灯开着防止窃贼进入.
3.benefit 众所周知,我们会从日常锻炼中受益.
4.grown up 你长大后想干什么?
5.dropped out of 由于累了,他已经退出了政界.
6.employ 新合同的签订使我们能招聘50多个员工.
7.translate 我不会讲希腊语,因此黛安娜主动要为我翻译.
8.provide 这家医院保证尽可能提供最好的医疗服务.
9.imagine 你能想像出你失去工作20年后会是什么样子吗?
10.devote 我认为我们不应该在这个问题上再花时间了.