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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 13:24:20
Book 1 Modules 1-2
1-5 ACCAB 6-10 CAABB
11-15 CAACB 16-20 BCACB
21-25 BDBDD 26-30 BCCCA
31-35 ACDBC 36-40 GFEBA
41-45 BDDBC 46-50 DCCBC
51-55 DAABA 56-60 BCDAA
61. or 62. the
63. who / that 64. how
65. consideration 66. it
67. will be accepted 68. faster
69. in 70. talking
71. ... in the phone ... in → on
72. ... go over ... go → going
73. I careful wrote ... careful → carefully
74. ... in case of ... 去掉of
75. ... were just finished ...
finished → finishing
76. ... so I have ... so → but
77. ... I reply. reply → replied
78. ... said a lady ... a → the
79. ... if they offered ... they → you
80. ... extremely serious ...
One possible version:
Old people that live alone with no family member to take care of them are now called the empty-nest elderly. Social and economic developments have led many young people to choose to work and live far from their hometowns, leaving their parents alone.
The empty-nest elderly can't manage things that require much manual labor. And because of long-term loneliness, they may have mental problems like depression.
Therefore, we should pay more attention to them. We should call for volunteers to offer them help on a regular basis. We can help them clean the house, buy household items, carry heavy things upstairs, etc. Besides, the government should spend more money providing places for the elderly to be entertained and communicate.
21. B.细节理解题.由文章第五、六段内容可知,Doyle的话给了Cruitt很大安慰.
22. D.细节理解题.由Cruitt所写的信的第一段If you are not the Cecile Doyle who taught English at Emerson School in Kearny, N.J., then I'm embarrassed, and you can disregard the letter可知,他不确定Cecile Doyle是否能收到这封信.
23. B.细节理解题.由倒数第四段中的Doyle says his letter, which arrived in February, could not have come at a better time可知,Doyle认为这封信来得正是时候.
24. D.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的I was afraid my penmanship wasn't going to meet your standards可知,Cruitt担心自己的书写会让Cecile Doyle不满意.
25. D.词义猜测题.由后接的从句that are served on solid gold plates可知,前面应该是“烹调”的意思.
26. B.细节理解题.由FANCY FEAST部分的Good thing the kitchen is well stocked — the Queen welcomes about 50,000 dining guests every year可知,白金汉宫的厨房食物储备充足.
27. C.推理判断题.由文章最后一段中的But even now officials won't reveal much about these under-the-
-radar routes可知,这些地下通道是不对公众开放的.
28. C.推理判断题.由第二段开头的At their Rockefeller University lab, Vosshall and her colleagues are studying the chemical sensory processes by which mosquitoes choose hosts. How do they sense heat, humidity, carbon dioxide, and body odor?可知,Vosshall和她的研究小组主要研究蚊子的行为.
29. C.句意理解题.由下文的They insert their arms into the insects' hidden home to study how mosquitoes land, bite, and feed ... 可以推断,这里说的是研究人员要吃苦头.
30. A.细节理解题.由第二段末的Studying male mosquitoes is more pleasant. Since they don't feed on blood可知答案.
31. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的but the breakthroughs ... may save millions of lives in the developing world可知,Vosshall的研究是有前途的.
32. C.细节理解题.由第二段中Bruce Allen 所说的The noise is a subjective thing — like living next to a busy road可知,他认为风力发电厂不会给大家造成太多不便.
33. D.推理判断题.由全文内容可知,Wind Prospect是负责建风力发电厂的,Greenpeace和Friends of the Earth也支持风力发电,只有Country Guardian这个组织持反对态度.
34. B.推理判断题.由第三段的Wind farms are gaining popularity as power companies take advantage of generous government subsidies and apply to build turbines on windy sites可知,政府支持建风力发电厂.
35. C.主旨大意题.本文主要从正反两方面说明人们对风力发电的态度.
36. G.G项与下文的Wise parents also think about呼应.
37. F.由下文列举的三个益处可知应选F项.
38. E.由本段的主题句Kids learn to be more creative及段末的use imagination in their playing可知,E项符合此处语境.
39. B.由本段的主要内容及所提到的attention span可知,B项适合作本段的主题句.
40. A.本段中的develop interpersonal relationships with other kids and adults,the give and take of a good conversation及childhood friendships都是跟社交技能有关的.
41. B.wonderful与hard work之间是转折关系.
42. D.由下文的I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp in Panama with my friend Clayton可知,作者“准备(ready)”去休假.
43. D.由文末的Clayton and I made it back to Panama City in time for our connecting flights可知,作者是“坐飞机(flew)”到的Panama City.
44. B.由下文作者拿出网球和球拍教孩子们打球的内容可知,作者带了自己的“网球(tennis)”装备.
45. C.由The camp was perfect. The rooms were ideal可知,作者“到了(arrived)”营地.
46. D.由上文的I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp可知,作者在此“冲(surfing)”浪.
47. C.由we learned that our bus back to Panama City可知,这里说的是作者“返程(return trip)”中的事情.
48. C.49. B.50. C.由下文的As I walked over to the shaded area可知,这里是说烈日“袭向(beating down on)”作者,唯一的“阴凉处(shade)”在汽车终点站工作人员“办公室(office)”的旁边.
51. D.下文的throwing rocks at me是提示.
52. A.上文的my tennis bag是提示.
53. A.由gave them the tennis balls可知,作者“走向(approached)”年轻人.
54. B.作者让那些年轻人朝球拍扔球“而不要(instead of)”朝自己扔石头.
55. A.由下文提到的越来越多的人开始加入的事实可知,这些年轻人“喜欢(enjoy)”网球.
56. B.“因为(As)”这个大点的男孩协调性好,所以作者给了他一个球拍打球.
57. C.由his bus arrived可知,他要上“路(way)”了.
58. D.由Families from across the street came over and wanted their tennis lesson, too. The bus terminal attendant可知,这次网球聚会才刚刚“开始(started)”.
59. A.由came out for a lesson可知,车站的工作人员“离开了(left)”自己的岗位.
60. A.在等车的间隙教别人打网球,“时间过得很快(In what seemed like no time)”.
61. or.考查连词.由whether可知填or.
62. the.考查冠词.idea后有of studying there修饰,表特指,故其前用定冠词.
63. who / that.考查关系词.分析句子结构可知,________ will stay here是定语从句,修饰先行词friends,且设空处在从句中作主语,故填who / that.
64. how.考查连词.分析句子结构可知,________ complicated these decisions can be是宾语从句,且根据语境可知从句意为“这些决定有多么复杂”,故填how.
65. consideration.考查名词.take sth. into consideration意为“考虑某事物”.
66. it.考查代词.设空处在此作形式主语,故填it.
67. will be accepted.考查时态和语态.由上文可知上大学是将来的事;且由his grades are excellent 可知“我确信他会被学校录取”,故用一般将来时的被动语态.
68. faster.考查比较等级.fast前有a lot修饰,故用其比较级.
69. in.考查介词.stay in touch with sb. 意为“和某人保持联系”.
70. talking.考查非谓语动词.appreciate在此处相当于enjoy,表示“喜欢”,后接动词-ing形式作宾语.


I. 1-5 DAACD 6-10 CBACD
II. 1-5 DCDCB 6-10 BAABB
11-15 CCDAA 16-20 BCDDA
1. D.推理判断题.由第三段中J. Alex Halderman所说的It's simply a matter of reprogramming these machines to be dishonest可以推断,他认为黑客侵入投票机是很容易的.
2. A.细节理解题.由第五段中的AccuVote voting machines are used in at least 20 states by 21 million voters可知,投票机在美国的使用非常广泛.
3. A.推理判断题.由第七段中Benyo所说的But my concerns are limited because these machines are not left alone with anybody for a long enough period of time可知,他认为投票机是值得信赖的.
4. C.细节理解题.由最后一段中的Neither company returned requests for comment可知,投票机制造商对民众的看法不予回应.
5. D.写作目的题.本文主要列举不同人士对投票机的不同看法.
6. C.细节理解题.由文章第三段Using sugar to power a battery isn't new. The technology has been something scientists and engineers have been toying with for years可知,这种试验已经有许多人做过.
7. B.推理判断题.由文章第七段The reason we haven't turned our sweet tooth into instant power sources for our tech is that bio-batteries haven't been that great at storing energy可知,生物电池有一些严重的弱点.
8. A.细节理解题.由文章第十一段的That's great news, not just for anyone that loves sweets, but for our environment too可知,糖电池是环保的.
9. C.推理判断题.由文章最后两段可以推断,作者对糖电池持肯定态度.
10. D.标题归纳题.文章首段即为本文的主题句.
本文是说明文.文章主要介绍baker's dozen(13个)这一表达的渊源.
1. D.2. C.由下文的One receives a baker's dozen, or 13可知,“通常(often)”大家拿到的不是12块,而是比12块“更多(more)”.
3. D.由上文的one does not get the quantity ordered ... One receives a baker's dozen, or 13可知,大家拿到的是13块“而不是(instead of)”12块.
4. C.由下文的explain its origins可知,这里是说baker's dozen的“渊源(beginning)”.
5. B.put forward a theory提出理论.
6. B.下文的The law是提示.
7. A.由下文的preventing bread consumers from being shortchanged or cheated可知,通过这项法律是为了“保护(protect)”面包消费者.
8. A.9. B.许多顾客总是将大块与更多的面包“联系在一起(associated)”,而“事实(truth)”是大块并不一定意味着更多的面包.
10. B.有些面包看起来大是“因为(because)”里面充满了空气.
11. C.由下文的Bread had to be sold by weight可知,国会通过的这项法律严格控制面包的“重量(weight)”.
12. C.本文主要讨论的是面包的大小和重量,再结合语境可知,此处是说:体积较大的面包的价钱不能超过体积小但是“分量更重的(heavier)”面包.
13. D.由上文的A large loaf of bread filled with air pockets could not sell for more than a smaller but ... loaf可知,面包要根据重量卖,而不是“大小(size)”.
14. A.由would be punished可知,这里是说不“遵守(follow)”规定的人.
15. A.由下文的面包店想办法免受惩罚可知,违反规定面临的惩罚是“严厉的(severe)”.
16. B.由下文的面包店把握不了面包的分量可知,面包店没有“配备(equipped)”天平.
17. C.没有天平,要想保证面包的分量是“困难的(difficult)”.
18. D.由下文的They began to add an extra loaf可知,面包师开始想“一些办法(something)”保护自己.
19. D.面包店每“卖(sold)”12块面包,会额外加一块.
20. A.店家额外加一块面包主要是为了“确保(guaranteed)”面包的分量,以免受惩罚.