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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 15:26:00
●Punch n.打洞器,钻孔机,殴打 v.以拳重击,开洞,剪票 n.酒、水、糖等制成的鸡尾酒 ●punch1 1.用拳猛击[(+in/on)] I wanted to punch him for his betrayal.因为他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一顿.2.用力击,用力按 When you punch the fourth button,a new network will flash on the screen.如果你按下第四个按钮,荧光幕上将出现一个新的网络.3.(用棒)戳,刺 4.【美】赶(牲口);放牧(牲口) They punch cows for a living.他们以放牛为生.5.猛烈推挤 She punched the pillow behind his head.她将枕头塞到他的脑后.vi.1.用拳猛击 Boys punch; girls often slap.男孩子挥拳猛击;女孩子常用巴掌打.2.用力击,用力按 n.1.拳打[C][(+in/on)] The thug gave him a punch in the chest.暴徒对着他的胸部打了一拳.2.【俚】力量,活力;效力[U][S1] His speech lacked punch.他的演说无力.His articles lack punch.他的文章缺乏力量.●punch2 1.冲头;冲床;冲压机 2.打孔器,穿孔机 He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch.他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔.3.【电脑】(卡片或纸带)穿孔机 4.(冲出或打出的)孔;切口 vt.1.(用冲床)冲;(用打孔器)在...上打孔 The train conductor punched our tickets.火车上的列车员剪了我们的票.2.(用冲床)冲出(孔);(用打孔器)打出(孔) The ticket-collector punched my ticket.收票员在我的票上剪了一个孔.I want to punch a new hole in the belt.我想在这条皮带上打一个新孔.●punch3 1.潘趣酒(一种用酒,果汁,香料等调和的饮料)[U][S1] We made gallons of rum punch for the party.我们为聚会准备了许多朗姆潘趣酒.●punch4 1.(大写)潘趣(英国木偶戏Punch and Judy中驼背的滑稽角色) 2.(大写)《笨拙》周刊(英国幽默插画杂志)