pretend to be asleep和pretend to be sleeping
pretend to be asleep和pretend to be sleeping
pretend to be sleep 和pretend to be sleeping
解释下面词组pretend to be asleep
pretend to be doing
英语翻译Hi!Are you in?Pretend to be away?Pretend to be asleep?Yo
假装睡觉可以表达成pretend to sleep,与pretend to be asleep有何不同?
英语翻译 Pretend to be upset
pretend to be not care
Pretend to be culture是什么意思?
pretend to read 与pretend to be reading区别
… pretend to do sth … pretend to be doing sth … pretend to h
pretend to do sth 和pretend to be doing sth造句