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英语翻译(一个穿白色长裙的少女手捧着蜡烛,在舞台后侧呈一字形站立,周围一片黑暗,只有烛光在闪烁.) 第一幕 旁白 男:这

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 03:18:45
第一幕 旁白
盲女孩:(悲愤的)为什么!为什么,我要看不见?为什么我要经受那么多的挫折?我,一个从小就失去光明的盲女孩,与命运整整抗争了十六年,十六年了!黑暗已经夺走了我所有的梦的权利,难道,难 道还要无情的剥夺我心灵上唯一的慰籍吗?命运,对我竟是如此残酷!(说话间,一男孩上,见如
不好意思 翻译成英文
还有一部分 换马甲
英语翻译(一个穿白色长裙的少女手捧着蜡烛,在舞台后侧呈一字形站立,周围一片黑暗,只有烛光在闪烁.) 第一幕 旁白 男:这
(A girl wearing a white dress holding a candle in the back of the stage was a stand-shaped,surrounded by darkness,only in flickering candlelight.)
The first act aside
M:This is a true story
M:In the long river of time flows slowly,an orphanage,a bright little girl lost in the quiet of the growth.However,that boundless
The dark like an invisible network.She was at a loss,such as his do not know how it passed the crossroads of life,I do not know how to break through their own
That network,to find a colorful world.
M:It is only the lonely sound,such as spark ignited dedicated her eyes,then gently across the chest of a young,chewing the words of a bitter
Days,the more deeply it is accompanied by her self-esteem and loneliness.
Hopewell:As a result,in a sunny morning in the piano on the road --
Performance:(lights,blind girl,not the violin in hand,Shouzhu a cane,walked slowly)
Blind girl:to the left,go right ......Oh,is a crossroads,where to turn?(All of a sudden,at the foot of a blind girl slip,fall,Qin
Shuaichu far,she could not find a) (anxiety) ......Qin Qin!My Qin,Qin I do?(Groping around her,or could not find it,
Put up)
Blind girl:(the grief) Why!Why,I would like to see?Why do I have endured so many setbacks?I have a small light on the loss of the blind girl,and the fate of an entire fight for 16 years,the 16 years!Darkness has taken all dream I had the right to do,it would also deprive the merciless mind I the only comfort you?Fate,I was so cruel!(Yuehua Jian,a boy,see if
This scene,leaning over to pick up girls into Cam's arms and lifting her,picked up his walking stick at the other end,want to move forward)
Blind girl:......This is my Qin it?Oh,yes,I was the Qin!Qin Oh my!Thank you,thank you,thank you for the too!Who are you?
Why should I help you?Poor me?Or sympathy for me?......Oh,you have to take me to where?You know the way to piano it?
Boys:(faint smile) section,I would like to take you away.
Blind girl:You really,really know the piano the way it?Do you really willing to help me?Why do not you say?......
(Along the way,the boys laugh and not words,with the next two)
英语翻译(一个穿白色长裙的少女手捧着蜡烛,在舞台后侧呈一字形站立,周围一片黑暗,只有烛光在闪烁.) 第一幕 旁白 男:这 穿长裙 英语翻译 1.在没有其他光照的情况下,舞台追光灯发出的红光照在穿白色上衣、蓝色裙子的演员上,观众看到她:( ) 在没有其他光照的情况下,舞台追舞灯发出的红光照在穿白色上衣、蓝色裙子的演员身上,观众看到她(  ) 舞台上所有的灯光都关闭(周围一片漆黑),一个身穿白上衣红裙子的舞蹈演员跳舞,绿色的灯光射在她身上,此时她的上衣和衣服是什 英语翻译在“Blood Brothers”(患难兄弟)这一关中,YURI在回忆时有几句旁白,求这些旁白的英文原文和翻译. 英语翻译他们非常注重在公共场合的穿着,男子从不穿背心和短裤,而女子通常穿长裙.在大街上男子要跟在妻子后面,舞会上也要由女 舞台上的演员,上身穿白色的衬衣,下身穿蓝色的裤子,在绿色灯光的照射下,上衣是什么颜色,裤子是什么颜色 英语翻译第三幕:旁白;等爸爸说出那个秘密时,我感到整个世界一片漆黑,我最爱的爸爸竟然对我撒了谎.这让我难以相信.(爸爸在 一首外国mv 一个外国女孩在森林里唱歌 穿着白色长裙 有一幕躺在草地上 宇航员登上月球后,抬头能看到天上一轮红日,但其他周围的景象是一片黑暗,能看见星星,但不闪烁,为什么呢? 1、在黑暗的舞台上,有一位身穿红衣白裙的舞蹈演员.当一束绿色的光柱照射到演员身体上时,舞台下面的观众看到的演员穿的是什么