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Choose the best answer to the following sentences.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:31:31
Choose the best answer to the following sentences.
1.You have to _______ the lace before you can take off your shoes.
A.undergo B.underline C.unlock D.undo
2.We should _______ advantage of all educational opportunities.
A.make B.get C.take D.have
3.Cecil can be very rude _______,though in public he is usually polite.
A.in secret B.in evidence C.in private D.in practice
4.His policies have _______ influenced the country’s economy all these years.
A.lastly B.lastingly C.finally D.last
5.After a whole day’s work,the peasant went back home at _______.
A.dawn B.sundown C.sunrise D.daybreak
6.He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became _______.
A.practical B.chemical C.technical D.mechanical
7._______ warm applause the honored guests mounted the rostrum.
A.Around B.Among C.Amid D.Between
8.The policemen were _______ quest of the escaped criminal.
A.in B.at C.with D.for
9.Everybody _______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.
A.assembled B.accumulated C.piled D.joined
10.With the passage of time,my unhappy memories of the place _______.
A.receded B.retreated C.proceeded D.preceded
Choose the best answer to the following sentences.
Choose the best answer to the following sentences.
1. You have to _______ the lace before you can take off your shoes.
A. undergo B. underline C. unlock D. undo
undergo 经历或遭受
----undergo great hardship, privation遭受极度的艰难、贫困;
unlock 一般为解锁或打开链条等刚性的东西;
undo the lace 解开鞋带或扣子等,则必须用undo
underline 强调;在...下面划线
----- Strikes by prison officers underline the need for reform in our gaols.
监狱工作人员罢工一事, 突出地表明我们的监狱制度亟须改革.
2. We should _______ advantage of all educational opportunities.
A. make B. get C. take D. have
固定短语 make advantage of . 利用好.;充分利用...【应记住】
3. Cecil can be very rude _______, though in public he is usually polite.
A. in secret B. in evidence C. in private D. in practice
答案:C 表示“私下”,固定短语,与"in public"相对,应该记住!
She asked to see him in private.
We can talk about this matter in private.
Although (he was) cheerful in company, he was often sad in private.
虽然和友人在一起是愉快的, 但他私下却常常很悲伤.
4. His policies have _______ influenced the country’s economy all these years.
A. lastly B. lastingly C. finally D. last
答案: B
lastly 最终;lastingly 持续地;持久地
5. After a whole day’s work, the peasant went back home at _______.
A. dawn B. sundown C. sunrise D. daybreak
答案: B.
dawn 黎明;拂晓(较多见于军事用语)
sunrise 日出
daybreak 天明
6. He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became _______.
A. practical B. chemical C. technical D. mechanical
mechanical 机械的;没有变通的
practical 实际的;现实的
chemical 化学的;
7. _______ warm applause the honored guests mounted the rostrum.
A. Around B. Among C. Amid D. Between
amid warm applause 在热烈的掌声中. ,记住这个用法!
8. The policemen were _______ quest of the escaped criminal.
A. in B. at C. with D. for
in quest of 寻找;追踪 固定短语,需要记住!
9. Everybody _______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.
A. assembled B. accumulated C. piled D. joined
答案: A.
聚集;集结;结合(assemble 集会,名词)
10. With the passage of time, my unhappy memories of the place _______.
A. receded B. retreated C. proceeded D. preceded
recede 淡去;retreat 撤退;proceed 行进,继续前进;preceded 领先于
As the tide receded (from the shore) we were able to look for shells. 潮水(自岸边)退去, 我们就能寻找贝壳了.
* We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance. 我们驶抵公海, 海岸似乎退到了远方.
* (fig 比喻) The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded, ie is less likely.