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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:25:45
陶潜,字元亮,大司马侃之曾孙也.祖茂,武昌太守.潜少怀高尚,博学善属文,颖脱不羁,任真自得,为乡邻之所贵.尝著《五柳先生传》以自况曰:“先生不知何许人,不详姓字,宅边有五柳树,因以为号焉.闲静少言,不慕荣利.好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,欣然忘食.性嗜酒,而家贫不能恒得.亲旧知其如此,或置酒招之,造饮必尽,期在必醉.既醉而退,曾不吝情.环堵萧然,不蔽风日,短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也.常著文章自娱,颇示己志,忘怀得失,以此自终.”其自序如此,时人谓之实录. 以亲老家贫,起为州祭酒,不堪吏职,少日自解归.州召主簿,不就,躬耕自资,遂抱羸疾.复为镇军、建威参军,谓亲朋曰:“聊欲弦歌,以为三径之资可乎?”执事者闻之,以为彭泽令.在县,公田悉令种秫谷,曰:“令吾常醉于酒足矣.”妻子固请种粳.乃使一顷五十亩种秫,五十亩种粳.素简贵,不私事上官.郡遣督邮至县,吏白应束带见之,潜叹曰:“吾不能为五斗米折腰,拳拳 《晋书》
事乡里小人邪!”义熙二年,解印去县,乃赋《归去来兮辞》.其辞曰: 归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归?既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追.实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非.舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣,问征夫以前路,恨晨光之希微.乃瞻衡宇,载欣载奔.僮仆来迎,稚子侯门.三径就荒,松菊犹存.携幼入室,有酒盈樽.引壶觚以自酌,眄庭柯以怡颜,倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安.园日涉而成趣,门虽设而常关;策扶老而流憩,时翘首而遐观.云无心而出岫,鸟倦飞而知还;景翳翳其将入,抚孤松而盘桓. 归去来兮,请息交以绝游,世与我而相遗,复驾言兮焉求!悦亲戚之情话,乐琴书以消忧.农人告余以春暮,将有事乎西畴.或命巾车,或棹孤舟,既窈窕以寻壑,亦崎岖而经丘.木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流,善万物之得时,感吾生之行休. 已矣乎!寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去留,胡为乎遑遑欲何之?富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期.怀良晨以孤往,或植杖而芸秄,登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗;聊乘化而归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑! 顷之,征著作郎,不就.既绝州郡觐谒,其乡亲张野及周旋人羊松龄、宠遵等或有酒要之,或要之共至酒坐,虽不识主人,亦欣然无忤,酣醉便反.未尝有所造诣,所之唯至田舍及庐山游观而已. 刺史王弘以元熙中临州,甚钦迟之,后自造焉.潜称疾不见,既而语人云:“我性不狎世,因疾守闲,幸非洁志慕声,岂敢以王公纡轸为荣邪!夫谬以不贤,此刘公干所以招谤君子,其罪不细也.”弘每令人候之,密知当往庐山,乃遣其故人庞通之等赍酒,先于半道要之.潜既遇酒,便引酌野亭,欣然忘进.弘乃出与相见,遂欢宴穷日.潜无履,弘顾左右为之造履.左右请履度,潜便于坐申脚令度焉.弘要之还州,问其所乘,答云:“素有脚疾,向乘蓝舆,亦足自反.”乃令一门生二儿共轝之至州,而言笑赏适,不觉其有羡于华轩也.弘后欲见,辄于林泽间候之.至于酒米乏绝,亦时相赡. 其亲朋好事,或载酒肴而往,潜亦无所辞焉.每一醉,则大适融然.又不营生业,家务悉委之儿仆.未尝有喜愠之色,惟遇酒则饮,时或无酒,亦雅咏不辍.尝言夏月虚闲,高卧北窗之下,清风飒至,自谓羲皇上人.性不解音,而畜素琴一张,弦徽不具,每朋酒之会,则抚而和之,曰:“但识琴中趣,何劳弦上声!”以宋元嘉中卒,时年六十三,所有文集并行于世. 史臣曰:君子之行殊途,显晦之谓也.出则允厘庶政,以道济时;处则振拔嚣埃,以卑自牧.详求厥义,其来夐矣.公和之居窟室,裳唯编草,诫叔夜而凝神鉴;威辇之处丛祠,衣无全帛,对子荆而陈贞则:并灭景而弗追,柳禽、尚平之流亚.夏统远迩称其孝友,宗党高其谅直,歌《小海》之曲.则伍胥犹存;固贞石之心,则公闾尤愧,时幸洛滨之观,信乎兹言.宋纤幼怀远操,清规映拔,杨宣颂其画象,马岌叹其人龙,玄虚之号,实期为美.余之数子,或移病而去官,或著论而矫俗,或箕踞而对时人,或弋钓而栖衡泌,含和隐璞,乘道匿辉,不屈其志,激清风于来叶者矣. 赞曰:厚秩招累,修名顺欲.确乎群士,超然绝俗.养粹岩阿,销声林曲.激贪止竞,永垂高躅.
陶潜(陶渊明),字元亮,是大司马陶侃的曾孙.祖父陶茂,曾任武昌太守.他少年时心怀高尚,知识渊博善于做文章,洒脱大方不拘谨,自得于真性情,被乡里邻居所看重.曾经作《五柳先生传》来形容自己:“先生不知道是什么人,不知道姓名,房子旁边有五棵柳树,所以以此为号.清闲安静少说话,不爱慕虚荣实利.喜欢读书,却不去穷根究底的解释,一旦对书的内容有所感悟,就高兴得忘了吃饭.本性爱喝酒,可是家里穷不能经常得到.亲朋故旧知道这样,有时就置办酒招他过来,他去饮酒一定会喝完,目的是一定要醉.醉以后回去,一点也不收敛情绪.家里四壁空空,不能遮阳挡雨,旧衣衫十分破烂,盛饭的容器经常空着,也不在意.经常写文章来自娱自乐,很能显示自己的志向,不计较得失,用这来结束自己一生.”他的自序是这样,当世人说是实录.管事的人听说了,任用他为彭泽令.向来简朴自爱,不谄媚长官.郡里派遣督邮到他的县,他的下属说应该束上带子(穿正装)见督邮,陶潜叹息说:“我不能为五斗米(这些俸禄)弯腰(丧失尊严),小心谨慎的为乡下的小人做事啊!”义熙二年,将印绶交还离开了彭泽县,于是作了《归去来兮辞》.在夏天的月夜,得空闲时,高卧在北窗之下,清风突然扑面而来,感觉自己象羲皇.陶潜不懂音乐,但却备有一张琴,琴没有五音,每逢朋友在一起喝酒,就抚琴和着琴音说:"只要懂得琴中的真意所在,何必要劳烦琴弦发出声音呢." 陶潜宋元嘉年中去世,享年六十三岁,文集流传于世. 偃兆因为他亲人年迈家里贫穷,任用他为州祭酒.他不等忍受官吏这个职务,没几天就自己回家了.州里聘用他为主簿,不去,自己种田来养活自己,于是得了瘦弱的病.又做镇军、建威参军,对亲朋说:“想做个文官,来挣些补贴家用的钱(意译).”管这些事的人听说了,任用他 为彭泽令.在县里,公田全部命令种秫谷(可酿酒),说:“让我一直醉酒就够了.”妻子和孩子坚持请求种粳米.于是命令 一顷五十亩种秫,五十亩种粳米.向来简朴自爱,不谄媚长官.郡里派遣督邮到他的县,他的下属说应该束上带子(穿正装)见督邮,陶潜叹息说:“我不能为五斗米(这些俸禄)弯腰(丧失尊严),小心谨慎的为乡下的小人做事啊!”义熙二年,将印绶交还离开了彭泽县,于是作了《归去来兮辞》.辞是这样写的: 回去吧,田园快要荒芜了,为什么还不回!既然自认为心志被形体所役使,又为什么惆怅而独自伤悲?认识到过去的错误已经不可挽回,知道未来的事还来得及补救.实在是误入迷途还不算太远,已经觉悟到今天“是”而昨天“非”.船在水面轻轻地飘荡着前进,微风徐徐地吹动着上衣.向行人打听前面的道路,遗憾的是天刚刚放亮. 刚刚看见了自家的房子,一边高兴,一边奔跑.童仆欢喜地前来迎接,幼儿迎候在家门.庭院小路虽将荒芜,却喜园中松菊还存.我拉着幼儿走进内室,屋里摆着盛满酒的酒樽.拿过酒壶酒杯来自斟自饮,看看院子里的树木,觉得很愉快.靠着南窗寄托着我的傲世情怀,深知住在小屋里反而容易安适.天天在园子里散步自成乐趣,尽管设有园门却常常闭关.拄着手杖或漫步或悠闲地随处休息,不时地抬起头来向远处看看.云烟自然而然地从山洞飘出,鸟儿飞倦了也知道回还.日光渐暗太阳将快要下山,我抚摸着孤松而流连忘返. 回去吧,让我同外界断绝交游.既然世俗与我乖违相悖,我还驾车出游有什么可求?亲戚间说说知心话儿叫人心情欢悦,抚琴读书可藉以解闷消愁.农人们告诉我春天已经来临,我将要到西边去耕耘田亩.有时坐着有布篷的小车,有时划着一只小船.既探寻幽深曲折的山沟,也经过道路崎岖的小丘.树木长得欣欣向荣,泉水开始涓涓奔流.羡慕万物恰逢繁荣滋长的季节,感叹我的一生将要结束. 算了吧!身体寄托在天地间还能有多少时候(活在世上还能有多久)?为什么不随心所欲,听凭自然地生死?为什么心神不定啊,想要到哪里去?企求富贵不是我的心愿,修仙成神是没有希望的.爱惜美好的时光,独自外出.有时扶着拐杖除草培苗.登上东边的高冈,放声呼啸.面对清清的流水吟诵诗篇.姑且顺随自然的变化,度到生命的尽头.乐安天命,还有什么可疑虑的呢?
Pottery qian (tao yuanming), characters bright, is on the TaoKan zerah. Grandfather TaoMao, former wuchang TaiShou. His boyhood, knowledgeable good hearts and noble fuss, free and easy generous not stiff, complacent in true temperament, was what mattered village neighbor. Once the five willow sir biography to describe yourself: "sir don't know is what person, don't know the name, near the room has five willow tree, so for this number. Speak little, do not Dally quiet adiel vanity. Like reading, but did not go deep mentally reasoning explanation, once on the contents of the book aware, will be happy. This sex forgot to eat drink, but the home be poor cannot get frequent. Relatives and GuJiu know like this, sometimes called him to come, buy wine to drink, he will drunk, the purpose is must drunk. Drunk back after it, it's not empty convergence mood. Home walls, not sun guardat rain, old clothes very poorly, shengfan containers frequently empty, also don't care. Often wrote articles to enjoyment, very can show his aspirations to overlook gain and loss, use this to end his life." His ZiXu is so, when the world records said. The vine-garden people heard, play him for PengZeLing. Always simple, not flattering sir. Self-respect In the county send mail to his county zadok, his subordinates say should girded yourself (dress for) see zadok mail, pottery qian sigh said: "I cannot performed your job to (these bread) bend (loss of dignity), cautious for rural SIMS work!" YiXi two years, will be returned YinShou left PengZe county, so the GuiQuLaiXi phrase ". In the summer, moonlit night, when leisure, high lie in north window, the breeze suddenly rush under, to feel like xi stem. Pottery qian don't understand, but the music with a musical instrument, harp, every friend without unfretted together drink, it aficionado blending with his ethereal playing said: "want to understand the truth of place harp, why should bother strings?" the sound Pottery qian SongYuanJia years died at the age of 63 years old, corpus spread in the world. Chen-zun-shu trillion because he loved ones elderly home poverty, play him for state JiJiu. He endured superintendents ranging the position, do not have a few days oneself home. States employ him Lord book, don't go, their own farming support myself, then got emaciated disease. And the army of the army, Wisconsin, build relatives and say: "you want to be a civil servant, to earn some money to support their family (free)." Tube who heard these things, he is PengZeLing appointment. In the county, the male field all orders of Shu valley (wine), say: "let me have been drunk is enough." His wife and children insist requesting kind of japonica. Then ordered a worthy of 50 mu, 50 mu kind of Shu japonica. Always simple, not flattering sir. Self-respect In the county send mail to his county zadok, his subordinates say should girded yourself (dress for) see zadok mail, pottery qian sigh said: "I cannot performed your job to (these bread) bend (loss of dignity), cautious for rural SIMS work!" YiXi two years, will be returned YinShou left PengZe county, so the GuiQuLaiXi phrase ". Phrase wrote: go home, pastoral almost deserted, why still not back! Now that the thought that USES the mind be form, why not disappointed and sad alone? To realize the mistakes of the past already irrevocable, know future matter also could remedy. True is not too far, depart therefrom have awakened to today "yes" and "not" yesterday. Boat in the water gently fluttering forward, a gentle breeze to flapped the coat. To pedestrians inquired about the road ahead, unfortunately days just lightening. Just saw his house, the side of happy, while running. Young happy to greet, cheeper greeted in the house. Garden path though barren, but xi garden loose chrysanthemum endure. I dragged into inner chamber, children room set bowls full of wine wine bottle. Took a flask from pour cup to drink, look from the courtyard of trees, feel very happy. By south window entrusts my connecting feelings, know to live in a small house instead easily comfortable. Walking in the garden every day, although has its pleasure garden gate, but often retreat. Leaning cane or walk or leisurely everywhere rest, from time to time raise head to distant look. Drain naturally from the caves savoir, birds fly tiredly also know HuiHai. Sun dim the sun goes down, I will soon stroked solitary loose and linger over. Go back, let me cut with external friends. Since worldly GuaiWei inconsistent with me, I still went for a drive what to ask for? Relatives say bosom is Paula between their mood, reading can help to boredom aficionado XiaoChou. Farming people told me the spring has come, I will go to the west TianMu cultivation. Sometimes sit there BuPeng buggy, sometimes rowing a boat. Both exploring deep sinuous off a bumpy road, also after the hill. Trees grow flourishing, spring began gracilely hurried away. Envy all season, and prosperity comes grow exclamation my life shall come to an end. Forget it! Body lies in between heaven and earth can also how many time (to live in the world can still have how long)? Why not follow one's inclinations, enabling naturally and death? Why was restless ah, want where to go? Coveted wealth is not my wish, XiuXian as god is hopeless. Spare the good times, go out alone. Sometimes helped crutches weeding pachycondyla seedlings. On the east of nearby, blow upon. Facing the clear water recited the poem. Expect.maybe flowing with natural changes, degrees to the end of life. Tracel destiny, what else could doubt?