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英语翻译1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in?W

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:29:19
1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in?What made you choose those?Which of them did you most enjoy,and why?
2.What led you to select your major?Your minor?
3.Which of your courses did you like the least?
4.Was there a course you found particularly challenging?
5.If you were to start college over again tomorrow,what is the course you would take?Why?
6.In college,how did you go about influencing someone to accept?
7.Based on what you know of the job market,which of your course were the most useful?The least?
8.What advice would you give to a college student intending to go into your field?
9.What are your most memorable experiences from college?
10.Why don’t I see internships or work-study experiences on your resume?
11.In what courses did you get your worst grades?Why?How do you think that will affect your performance on the job?
12.Why did you decide to go to college?
13.How was your college education funded?
14.What percentage of your college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?
15.What percentage of your college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?
16.Tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.
17.Why are you working in a field other than the one in which you have a degree?
18.What have you done to stay current in your field?
19.Are you satisfied with the grades you received in school?
20.Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?
21.Have you ever received a grade lower than you expected?If so,what did you do about it?
22.Have you ever been put on the spot by a professor or adviser when you felt unsure of yourself?How did you handle it?
23.What competitive activities have you participated in?What did you learn from participation in competitive activities?
24.Has competition had any positive or negative impact on your accomplishments?How?
25.What’s one management lesson you learned in college?
26.Why do you want to get into this field?
27.I see that you do not have very much organizational work experience.What qualities do you have that especially qualify you for this position?
28.Your resume does not list any job experience in the past few years.Why not?
29.Why would you want to leave an established career at your present employer for an essentially entry-level position?
30.What specifically have you done that shows initiative?
31.What are the reasons for your success?
32.What are some of your pet peeves?
33.Which of your skills can stand improvement at this time?
34.Who (what) has been a major influence in your life?
英语翻译1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in?W
1 .什么课外活动,你参与了吗?是什么驱使你选择那些?这当中,你最欣赏的,为什么?
2 .是什么引导你选择你的大?你的未成年人呢?
3 .而你的课程没有,你想至少?
4 .是否有一个过程,你发现特别具有挑战性?
5 .如果你开始学院再次明天,是什么当然,你会怎么走?为什么呢?
6 .在高校,你是怎么去影响别人接受?
7 .基于什么你知道的就业市场,你当然是最有用吗?最不?
8 .你会提出哪些建议,以一个大学生打算进入你的领域呢?
9 .什么时候是你最难忘的经验,从大学吗?
10 .为什么我看到的实习或勤工助学经验对你的简历吗?
11 .在什么课程,并在您最差等级?为什么呢?你怎么认为会影响你的工作表现吗?
12 .你为什么决定去学院?
13 .怎么是你的大学教育经费?
14 .占贵大学生,你付出以及什么样的职位,你是否也有你上学了吗?
15 .占贵大学生,你付出以及什么样的职位,你是否也有你上学了吗?
16 .告诉我一点关于你的一些课外活动,这将帮助你从事这项工作.
17 .为什么你的工作在其他领域比在其中你有一个学位?
18 .你做了些什至停留在当前你的领域呢?
19 .你是否满意与你的职系收到上学了吗?
20 .你觉得你的等级,准确地反映了你的能力?
21 .你们有收到等级低于你的预期?若然,你怎么办?
22 .你是否已被提上了现场,由一位教授或顾问的时候,你觉得没有把握自己?你是怎么处理这件事?
23 .哪些竞争活动,你参加了吗?什么叫你学习,从参与竞争活动?
24 .有竞争有任何正面或负面的影响你的成绩呢?如何?
25 .怎样的一个管理课,你学到大学?
26 .为什么你想进入这个领域?
27 .我看到你没有十分的组织工作经验.有什么样的品质,你对此表示,特别是你将有资格得到这个职位呢?
28 .你的简历没有列出任何工作经验,在过去几年中.为什么不呢?
29 .为什么你要离开一个既定的职业生涯,你现在的雇主基本上属于入门级的地位呢?
30 .具体是什么,你做了这表明主动?
31 .是什么原因,为你们的成功?
32 .什么是你的一些宠物peeves ?
33 .而你的技能,可以站在改善在这个时候?
34 .谁(什么)一直是个重大的影响力,在你的生活?