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英语翻译所在部门中餐厅(lotus golden).其中的大厅可同时容纳150人就餐,有16个包厢总共可容纳350人用餐

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:21:12
中餐厅(lotus golden).其中的大厅可同时容纳150人就餐,有16个包厢总共可容纳350人用餐,我们的包厢有个特色全部是以花名命名的.例如 木兰 百合 水仙 ……
1.铺台布 铺台布时服务员站在主位一侧,用双手将台布抖开铺在桌子上,台布应正面朝上,中心线应对准主位主宾位,中心点剧中,四周下垂均匀.
2.摆餐具 中餐的餐具主要有骨碟,筷子,汤勺,汤碗,饮料杯和汤具等,应严格按照酒店规定进行摆放.注意餐具齐全
英语翻译所在部门中餐厅(lotus golden).其中的大厅可同时容纳150人就餐,有16个包厢总共可容纳350人用餐
Where the department
Chinese Restaurant (lotus golden).One of the hall can accommodate 150 people dining,there are 16 private rooms can accommodate a total of 350 guests,we feature all private rooms have a nickname is named.For example,narcissus lily magnolia ......
Declaration of service is not a function but an attitude,we strive to love each into our hotel guests,but also by their love.
Chinese food swing sets
Taiwan is to put all kinds of tableware in accordance with the requirements placed on the table.Taiwan should pay attention to put neat appearance,equal distance,easy to guests.Round-table group to use in restaurants,sometimes with square tables and long table,swing sets should be preceded by the owner bit set,the guest of honor bit.Swing sets specific steps are as follows:
1.Shop waitress when cloth table cloth shop stood Theme side,opening it out with both hands,spread the tablecloth on the table,tablecloth should be facing up,the centerline should be aligned with the guest of honor Theme position,the center of the play,even hanging around .
2.Set the table Chinese food dishes are bone plate,chopsticks,spoon,bowl,cup and soup with,etc.,should be placed in strict accordance with the provisions of the hotel.Note complete tableware
Napkin flower
Diecheng square napkin is placed in the first box,and gradually developed into a variety of photo-based or on a plate inserted in the cup for guests to enjoy the meal.According to the placing of a different flower napkin folding cup is divided into two types of flowers and disk flowers,while the disk flowers folding quick and easy,beautiful health.
1 tray of use
Food service tray is checked the food,beverage and catering equipment commonly used tools.Divided into two kinds of trust and light care.
Light care:care of the light put lighter items,items weighing 5 kg tray below.Care should pay attention to use of light,first clean the finishing tray,and then loaded to its shape,weight,size and use of the order of transfer to a plate
Attentive.Also known as shoulder care.The heavier items in full bloom,the general care when using a large tray from left to right tray to help hold up The chest,and then forced to hold up the left shoulder to right wrist,while 90 ° to reach the top of the left shoulder.Care delivery,attention should be balanced to maintain the tray,the upper body straight,the body does not swing
2 sommelier program
Sommelier is a more detailed work,should be careful not to pour wine for the guests do not sprinkle drops,many do not overflow.Pour wine bottle before the first show,said that when the waiter standing wine bottle to the right of the guests left,left hand bottom,right hand holding the bottle bottleneck should be flush with the guests view,slightly tilted,alcohol standard for guests,guests confirmed .
Pour wine,the bottle should be 1-2 cm from the cup,do not hit the cup,so as not to be knocked over the quilt.Pour over the Qi Bafen appropriate.After the bottle should pour homeopathic Rotate 45 °,so as not to spill wine on the table.Sommelier services,service personnel should pay attention to the case of the guests,the guests talk,the waiter should stop all activities.
1 serving program
Serving the order,position,rhythm,and other dishes with delicate place,the waiter serving rules must be strictly in accordance with the operation,and flexible timing of palm dishes
Serving position.To select the appropriate serving Chinese food,"serving mouth" without prejudice to the main dining guests,serving trays should pay attention to a smooth,correctly reported name of the dish.
Serving order.Serving order Chinese food is generally the first cold dish,after soup,and then hot dishes,pasta,fruit last meal.Guests dining in accordance with the appropriate degree of control the pace of serving time
英语翻译所在部门中餐厅(lotus golden).其中的大厅可同时容纳150人就餐,有16个包厢总共可容纳350人用餐 这个大厅可容纳 600 人 (下面的翻译是否都正确,求修改补充谢谢) 英语翻译(1)他再次起身答谢观众.(audience)(2)新造的音乐大厅可容纳近2000人.(seat.不要用翻译软件 英语翻译XX国际酒店会议场所适合不同商务会议需要.贵宾会见厅、大小会议室、多功能厅可分别容纳20至200人组织召开各种类 学校报告厅第一排有十个座位.以后每一排都比前一排多两个座位.共八排.这个报告厅可容纳多少人听报告? 英语翻译1.他身体很壮,足能搬起那个箱子(enough)2.这个大厅可容纳多达3000人.(up to )3.受到邀请的 可容纳300人 英语怎么说 英语翻译1.这个大厅可容纳大批观众(SEAT)2.姚明被认为是世界上最优秀的篮球运动员之一(REGARD)3.游客们没有 有3个乒乓球,依次随机落入A、B两个盒子,其中A盒子最多容纳2个,B盒子可容纳无限个,问:当有两个球落入A盒子的概率是多 六年纪有195人去春游,他们来到汽车公司租车,面包车每辆120元,可容纳30人,大客车每辆150人,可容纳45 英语翻译1.人人都需要吃、喝和休息.2.这个大厅可容纳多达三千人.(up to)3.自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知 为紧急安置100名地震灾民,需要同时搭建可容纳6人和4人的帐篷18座,则搭建方案共有____种.