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英语翻译In early September 1999 around two hundred Chechen fight

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 10:38:56
In early September 1999 around two hundred Chechen fighters crossed the border into Dagestan,obviously looking for shit to fuck up.A large group lead by one Emir Omar Karpinski attacked on the outskirts of the village Tuhchar where a group of Dagestani policemen were stationed along with 13 Russian Internal Troops and a BMP-2 at a checkpoint.They attacked from the rear,surrounded and inflicted huge damage on the Russians by shelling them.The BMP was entrenched and took down many Chechen fighters.Russian Lt.Vasily Taskin ordered the armored vehicle to drive out of the trench and open fire across the river on a car full of rebels fast approaching them.This was a huge mistake:a shot from a rocket-propelled grenade at the BMP obliterated it.The gunner was killed and the driver wounded.
The defensive was over and it was time to go.Many of the Russians and Dagestani police either hid in the village in attics,basements,even under corn or managed to evade the Chechens who now owned the area.Five young Russian troops staged a firefight from a house and managed to last until they ran out of ammo.Machine gun fire and a shot from a grenade launcher convinced them to surrender.A sixth was turned in by villagers who obviously didnt think much of Russians.
By order of the Emir Omar the prisoners were taken to a clearing near the outpost.The event was meticulously recorded by the camera operator Islanu Mukaeva.Emir Omar was pissed at the amount of his own men that had been blown away by the BMP and ordered the prisoners execution,and called all the men in to watch.Emir Omar then ordered his men to cut the heads off the soldiers.Five of the men including Lt Taskin had there throats half cut (so they suffered more) or were virtually beheaded,except for Private Alexey Lipatov who was shot after he managed to slip away and escape.The militant chasing Lipatov grew tired of that shit quicky and just shot him instead.The final man killed in the video (and possibly the most gruesome angle in the vid) was done by Emir Omar Karpinski himself.This would be the end of the video,and the matter for now.
In the year 2000 the Russian FSB tracked down Islanu Mukaeva and his video collection.He can be heard as the cameraman on the video encouraging the men with the knives.He was charged with terrorism and being a member of an illegal group and given 25 years in prison.His video now helped identify the others.They have since been killed by special forces operations,captured or remain wanted.During his caputure police also seized weapons,ammunition and another videotape execution of Russian servicemen (this one is unknown).
英语翻译In early September 1999 around two hundred Chechen fight
在1999年9月初,大约200名车臣武装分子跨越国界进入达吉斯坦(俄罗斯联邦东南部自治共和国)很明显他们在无事生非寻找事端【(1)】.由Emir Omar Karpinski 带领的这一群车臣武装分子对Tuhchar 村庄的郊外和位于检查站的处的“BMP-2”号站点发起了攻击,达吉斯坦的一组警察还有13名俄罗斯国军就驻扎在这个村庄,他们从后面发起进攻,由于对着达吉斯坦的一组警察射击,所以被俄罗斯人包围并遭受巨大的伤害.BMP 居点最终被他们拿了下来,但是却夺走了许多车臣武装分子的性命.俄罗斯 Lt.瓦西里·德思勤 命令装甲车从战壕里驱出并穿过河流对装满反叛分子的汽车开火以便快速接近他们,但是,这是一个巨大的错误:在BMP地点来自用火箭推进的手榴弹的射击阻止了这项进攻.结果是坦克上的射击手被击毙了,司机也受了伤.
防御战结束了,但是接下来(的时间)发生的是:许多俄罗斯人和达吉斯坦警察或躲在村庄的阁楼里,地下室,甚至在玉米地里,或者设法躲避当时占据该地区的车臣人.有5名俄罗斯士兵从一所房子里分阶段地进行射击设法延迟时间直到他们把弹药用完他们才停止射击.这时,机关枪射击以及来自枪榴弹发射器的炮弹声使他们确信自己该投降了,村民当时很明显想(反正也)有那么多俄罗斯人了,于是把第6个俄罗斯士兵也交给了车臣反动派.【(2)】根据Emir Omar 的命令,他们把囚犯带到该哨站的一片空余地带,这个事件的详细过程被摄影师Islanu Mukaeva全部记录下来.Emir Omar (当时臣武装分子的首领)在得知自己手下在BMP 居点丧命士兵的数量时恼羞成怒(好像别人在他身上撒尿),于是下令对囚犯进行处决并让他手下的人当场观看.他当时就命令手下的人砍掉囚犯的头颅.包括Lt Taskin共有5人他们的喉咙被割去了一半(所以他们遭受的折磨更严重),或者说实际上也等于砍掉他们的头,但是Private Alexey Lipatov只挨了一枪是一个例外(没有被砍头),因为他设法溜出后想逃跑,有一个好战的家伙追了过来但是此时他突然想大便(就停了下来)于是便朝Private Alexey Lipatov开了一枪结果了他的性命【(3)】.视频中被最后杀害的那个人(很可能是是视频中最残忍的视角)是由 Emir Omar Karpinski 亲自来执行的,但视频就在此时结束了(这可能就是该视频的结束部分),现在也搞不清楚是什么毛病【(4)直接翻译:而且(一直)是个问题(从过去一直)到现在】.
2000年,俄罗斯联和前苏维埃国家安全委员会国内反间谍情报机构抓捕到了摄影师 Islanu Mukaeva ,并找到了他的视频资料.听到别人说他是制作这个视频上的摄影师,他便对手下带刀的人进行煽动.他被指控犯有恐怖罪行也犯有是非法组织的成员罪,因此判处25年的监禁.当时他的视频帮助识别了其它犯罪分子,这些罪犯后来(从那时以后)有的被击毙,有的被抓捕,有的仍在通缉中.在抓捕摄影师 Islanu Mukaeva 警察还抓获到了武器,弹药和有一个关于俄罗斯技退役军人执行死刑的录像带等等(但是这个录像带的详情现在还没有搞清楚).
参考英英词典 :FSB .n.
.the internal counterintelligence agency of the Russian Federation and successor to the Soviet KGB; formerly led by Vladimir Putin
(1).obviously looking for shit to fuck up.【明显地寻找能够交配的大便,意思就是:很明显他们在无事生非寻找事端】,
(2) A sixth was turned in by villagers who obviously didnt think much of Russians.【一个第6个9投降者)被村民们呈交了,这些村民当时很明显没有想到有那么多俄罗斯人】
(3) .The militant chasing Lipatov grew tired of that shit quicky and just shot him instead.
【 那个好战的追敢 Lipatov 的人对那种“大便罢工”产生了烦恼,于是就直接射他一枪,取代.注意:大便罢工,就是由于自己想解大便迫使他停下来不去追赶,不是被追赶的人的行文,因为对方的这种行文与“罢工”不发生联系】
(4) and the matter for now.【而且(一直)是个问题(从过去一直)到现在】